Analysis of the competitive activity of judokas in light weight categories during the World Championship among adults in 2021
judo, athletes, competitive activity, indicators, highly qualified, light weight categoriesAbstract
Purpose: to analyze the indicators of the competitive activity of judokas in light weight categories
during the World Championship among adults in 2021. Material and methods. During the work,
the following research methods were used: analysis and generalization of scientific and
methodological literature; timing; analysis of protocols and video recordings of fights of highly
qualified judokas in weight categories up to 60 and 66 kg, methods of mathematical statistics. 49
fights of judoists in the weight category up to 60 kg and 61 fights in the weight category up to 66 kg
during the World Judo Championship among adults 2021 (Hungary, Budapest) were analyzed.
Results: the analysis of the received comments of highly qualified judokas of light weight categories
shows that most of the comments were received by the athletes for not wrestling (up to 60 kg –
35 %; up to 66 kg – 36 %), for avoiding capture (up to 60 kg – 21 %, up to 66 kg – 27 %), the use of
false attacks (up to 60 kg – 16 %, up to 66 kg – 13 %) and for fighting in a defensive position (up to
60 kg – 4 %, up to 66 kg – 6 %). The analysis of technical actions of highly qualified judokas of
light weight categories made it possible to reveal the total number of effective actions. So, in the
weight category up to 60 kg, athletes performed 59 effective technical actions, including 48 (81 %)
in a standing position and 11 (19 %) in a parterre and lying position. Moreover, in the stand, 36
(75 %) actions were assessed by the judges for «Vasari», and 12 (25 %) for «Ippon». In the
parterre and lying position - 3 (27 %) for «Vasari», 8 (73 %) for «Ippon». In the weight category
up to 66 kg, athletes performed 57 effective technical actions, including 50 (87 %) in a standing
position and 7 (13%) in a parterre and lying position. 38 (76 %) actions in a standing position were
assessed by the judges for «Vasari», 12 (24 %) for «Ippon». In the parterre and lying position - 1
(14 %) for «Vasari», 6 (86 %) for «Ippon». Also, the main effective technical actions were
identified, which are most often used by athletes in a standing position, a parterre position and
lying down. So, for athletes in the weight category up to 60 kg, these are: throw over the back from
their knees (19 %), grab (11 %), grab from the inside (11 %), unbalance by pushing back (11 %),
elbow lever (46 %), hold on top (36 %), hold across (18 %). In the weight category up to 66 kg, the
most often performed such effective technical actions were pick-up from the inside (14 %),
unbalance with a push back (12 %), throw over the back from the knees, through the chest with a
deflection (8 %), hold across, hold from the side heads (29 %). Conclusions. It has been
established that athletes of light weight categories in most cases conduct reconnaissance battles,
use defensive positions, false attacks in order to catch an opponent on a mistake. When conducting
fights in this manner, they most often receive comments on not fighting, avoiding capture, using
false attacks and for fighting in a defensive position. It was revealed that the struggle of athletes of
light weight categories mainly takes place in the standing position. Technical actions in the
parterre position and lying are more effective. Sportsmen of two weight categories used the
following technical actions in a standing position more: throws over the back (from the knees,
grabbing an arm on the shoulder), grabs, holds, unbalance by pushing back. In the parterre
position and lying position, athletes of two weight categories used different types of holdings and
the elbow lever more.
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