Using digital technologies in refereeing to correctly identify the winner in judo competitions
judo, digital technologies, video replays, YouTube, European Championship, Ukrainian Championship, judgesAbstract
Purpose: to analyze the impact of the use of digital
technology in judging to correctly identify the winner in judo competitions. Material and methods.
The following methods were used during the research: theoretical analysis and generalization of
literature sources and data of the Internet, analysis of video recording, methods of mathematical
statistics. Results: based on the recordings of 42 fights of the final block of the European
Championship and the Ukrainian Junior Judo Championship on video hosting (You Tube), the
analysis of the impact of video replays on the referee's decision was conducted to correctly identify
the winner in the competition. In 22 bouts of the European Championship and in 24 bouts of the
Ukrainian Championship, the referees made decisions that did not require revision or change. In
the other 20 fights of the European Championship and in 18 fights of the Ukrainian Championship,
video replays were used. A comparison of the average rates of fights in which digital replays were
used or not used with the help of digital technologies showed a statistically significant difference in
the performance of refereeing at the European Championship and the Ukrainian Judo
Championship among juniors (<0,05). Since t (0,051) < tgr (1,98) the analysis of the refereeing of
the European Championship and the Ukrainian Junior Judo Championship can be considered
statistically significant. As a percentage of the total number of 42 fights, of which 20 fights – 47,6 %
of international judges use video replays and 22 fights – 52,3 % of international judges did not use
video replays. Analyzing the championship of Ukraine with a total of 42 fights, of which 18 fights – 42,8 % of judges use video replays and 24 fights – 57,1 % of judges did not use video replays.
Conclusions. Analysis of existing digital technologies used in judo refereeing has revealed a set of
programs that assist in the competition. The use of digital technologies provides an opportunity to
improve the quality of refereeing at various ranks of the competition. The percentage of using video
views and the percentage without video views at the European Championship and the Ukrainian
Championship is almost the same. This speaks to the quality of judging at these events. This is
because the refereeing of the final block allows more qualified judges who did not make mistakes
during the refereeing or these mistakes were minimal.
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