Analysis of the performances of athletes at international cadet and junior competitions in Greco-Roman wrestling
Greco-Roman wrestling, competitive activity, cadets, juniors, analysisAbstract
Purpose: to analyze the performances of the national Greco-Roman wrestling team of
Ukraine at cadet and junior competitions from 1993 to the present. Material and methods. The
research used the following methods: analysis of scientific and methodological information and
Internet sources; analysis of the official protocols of the competition; retrospective analysis;
methods of mathematical statistics. The performances of the athletes of the Greco-Roman wrestling
national team of Ukraine at the European and world championships among cadets and juniors from
1993 to the present are analyzed. The number of participants, the number of medals earned, and the
number of gold medals were counted. Results: based on the analysis of scientific and
methodological information and generalization of advanced practical experience, it was found that
the problem of analyzing competitive activity in modern sports is one of the most urgent. During the
period under review, 209 athletes of the Ukrainian national team took part in the European
Championships, of which 13 (6,2 %) became winners of the competition, and 55 (26,3 %) wrestlers
took prizes. While 199 wrestlers have taken part in the European Championships among juniors
since 1993, 71 (35,7 %) medals were won, of which 19 (9,5 %) were gold. In the period under
review, 136 athletes took part in the world championships among cadets, and 12 (8,8 %) gold
medals were won. Making comparisons, 192 athletes of the Ukrainian national team took part in
the world championships among juniors, 10 (5,2 %) gold and 41 (21,4 %) medals in general were
won. The analysis of the results showed that the largest number of athletes took the second, the
third and the fifth places (more than 30 wrestlers for each place) at international competitions
among cadets. The largest number of Greco-Roman style junior wrestlers of the Ukrainian national
team took the following places: the third place (46 wrestlers), the fifth place (40 wrestlers) and the
second place (37 wrestlers). Conclusions. The athletes of the Ukrainian national team show good
results and occupy high places, however, there is a negative trend towards a decrease in the
number of awards over time.
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