Analysis of the competitive activity of qualified junior taekwondo athletes




competitive activity, indicators, taekwondo, qualified athletes, computer program


Purpose: to analyze the competitive activity of qualified
junior taekwondo athletes. Material and methods. The research used the following methods:
analysis of scientific and methodological information and Internet sources; generalization of best
practical experience; video computer analysis of the competitive activity of qualified junior
taekwondo athletes; methods of mathematical statistics. A specialized computer program «Martial
Arts Video Analysis» was used to analyze the fights. The study analyzed the quarterfinal, semifinal
and final fights, a total of 60 rounds (20 competitive fights) of qualified junior taekwondo fighters in
weight categories in the 46-78 kg range. Results: analysis of scientific and methodological
information and generalization of advanced practical experience made it possible to reveal that
successful training of taekwondo fighters of any level is impossible without a thorough analysis of
the structural components of the competitive activity of the world's leading athletes. Based on the
study, it was found that the winners receive more points, with the same number of actions with the
losers, due to the quality of the performance of technical and tactical actions and their diversity (on
average, 3,25 points more than the losers). It was noted that in the 3rd round, regardless of weight
categories, there is a statistically significant increase in the number of actions (t=3,07; p<0,01), a
decrease in the time intervals between actions (t=1,81; p<0,05) , the number of points received
increases (t=1,76; p <0,05). Conclusions. The analysis of competitive activity made it possible to
determine the arsenal of technical and tactical actions of qualified junior taekwondo athletes,
depending on their weight categories, thanks to which combatants receive victory points. So, the
actions that athletes perform more often and receive the greatest number of points for them include:
for weight categories 46-52 kg – «Dollyeo Chagi», for categories 55-59 kg – «Dollyeo Chagi»,
«Naeryeo Chagi», for categories 63-68 kg – «Dollyeo Chagi», «Dollyeo Chagi», for categories 73-
78 kg – «Yeop Chagi», «Dollyeo Chagi», «Naeryeo Chagi».

Author Biographies

Vyacheslav Romanenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Yura Tropin, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Arthur Kulida , Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture



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