Techniques of self-defense in the structure of training of sea transport specialists
safety, applicants for higher education, professional and applied physical training, self-defense techniques, competence, maritime transport specialistsAbstract
Objective: substantiation of the need to teach self-defense techniques in the structure of training of maritime transport specialists. Material and methods. The following research methods were used to solve the tasks: analysis of literature sources, analysis of legislative and regulatory documents on the organization of modern shipping, questionnaires, generalization of information, systematic analysis and interpretation of data. Results. In the safety
curricula of maritime educational institutions (MES) it was determined that the objectives of the study of disciplines are the acquisition of higher education competencies, knowledge, skills and abilities for professional activities, taking into account the risk of accidents and natural hazards that can cause emergencies. situations and lead to adverse consequences. International maritime organizations are concerned with ensuring, they are constantly developing International Conventions, Codes, Resolutions, Rules, and updating existing ones. In practice, there are questionable instructions in which the content of the actions of the defense group during the attack on the ship is not adequate to the actions of terrorists. In the event of an attack, the defense team acts by improvised means (fire hydrants, axes and fire hoses), preventing pirates from entering the board. The questionnaire of specialists indicated the types of self-defense techniques in the professional activity of maritime transport workers. The educational working program of professional and applied physical training (PPFP) with the section of the applied type «Self-defense» on themes is developed. Conclusions. The requirements of the industry standard of education aim at acquiring the competence of higher education students of the Ministry of Education and Science in ensuring personal and collective safety, security and protection of the ship, crew and passengers. During the analysis of normative documents the directions of safety are
defined. Determinants for ensuring safety in the professional activities of maritime transport specialists are: accident prevention and neutralization of their consequences; emergency procedures; ship security; prevention of illegal acts threatening the safety of the vessel. In all these means of protection, the ability to have self-defense techniques is absolutely appropriate, and in the protection of the ship and the prevention of illegal acts, threatening the safety of the ship - they are simply necessary. The absence of a section of the applied type of the discipline «Self-Defense» in the curricula is a non-compliance with the requirements of the Standard of Higher Education for the training of maritime transport specialists. In accordance with the objectives of the study, the
possibility of using self-defense techniques in the educational process at the Department of Life Safety and Vocational Training is substantiated. The PPFP knowledge system with the section «Self-defense» will promote personal and collective safety, protection of the ship, crew and passengers, forming physical and psychomotor qualities taking into account the peculiarities of future professional activity of higher education seekers.
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