Investigation of the manifestation of the reaction of choice among combatants after performing exercises with tennis balls




combatants, selection reaction, movement control, recovery, heart rate


Purpose: to investigate the dynamics of changes in the selection reaction of combatants after performing exercises with tennis balls. Materials and methods. The study used the following methods: analysis of scientific and methodological information, Internet sources and generalization
of advanced practical experience, psychophysiological research methods, methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 21 combatants, age 19,7±1,12 years. Of these: 73 % are candidates for Master of Sports of Ukraine, 27 % are Master of Sports of Ukraine. The selection reaction was
assessed using the Reaction RCHR test, developed at the Department of Martial Arts of the KSAPC for tablet personal computers. A feature of the proposed test is the ability to simultaneously obtain both the selection reaction values and the heart rate (heart rate) value using a chest heart rate
sensor (Bluetooth 4.0). The test result included the following indicators: the average value of the choice reaction and heart rate for the test, the average values of the choice reaction and heart rate at the first, second and third stages (10 attempts in each stage). To study the dynamics of changes
in the manifestation of the choice reaction, the participants were asked to perform the task in the following sequence: 1. Test to determine the choice reaction; 2. Exercises with tennis balls (2 minutes) 3. Test to determine the reaction of choice. Results: of the study showed that, on average,
the result of passing the test after doing exercises with tennis balls was improved: the first stage – by 11 %, the second stage – by 7 %, the third stage – by 6 %. The heart rate values at the end of the test are less than at the beginning by 4,9 beats/min (at the first test run) and by 16,7 beats/min (at
the second test run). This reaction of the cardiovascular system is natural and is due to the recovery process of the studied combatants after the load. Conclusions. It was found that the performance of exercises with tennis balls has a positive effect on the manifestation of the choice reaction; this is
the basis for recommending these exercises to activate the mechanisms of control of specialized movements of combatants. The efficiency and convenience of the Reaction RCHR test allows it to be used as an express control of the athlete's functional state.

Author Biographies

Vyacheslav Romanenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Yura Tropin, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Nataliy Veretelnikova, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

senior lecturer of the department of physical culture and health

Pavel Panov, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Associate Professor


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