Analysis of the criteria for evaluating judo judges for performance indicators in competitions
judo, questionnaire, ranking, criteria, judges, professional ethicsAbstract
Purpose: with the help of a questionnaire, to analyze the criteria for evaluating judo judges for performance indicators at competitions. Material and methods. During the research the following methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization of literature sources, Internet data, questionnaires, generalization of theoretical and practical experience of specialists in the field of martial arts, methods of mathematical statistics. A questionnaire survey of judo judges was conducted. The study involved 30 judo judges of the international category (3 men – 10 %) of the national category (15 people – 50 %) and the first category (12 people – 40 %). Results: the analysis of the conducted survey of judo judges on the basis of 50 evaluation criteria for the performance of judges in competitions revealed the main 11 criteria that are in the opinion of most experts the most effective. Thus, 11 criteria were distributed among specialists of international, national and first categories of judges as follows: in the first place - professional ethics and discipline 1,33; in second place - the appearance of 1,66; in third place - knowledge of the rules and the ability to use them 3,66; in fourth place - is the clarity of commands and gestures 4,66; in fifth place - moving on the tatami and choosing the correct position 5,00; in sixth place - interaction with judges 6,67; in seventh place - the ability to correctly and timely assess errors 7.66; in eighth place - the ability to accurately and timely assess technical actions 8,00; in ninth place - psychological stability 8,33; in tenth place - the reaction to the situation 8,66; on the eleventh place - the ability to use technical means 10,33. Conclusions. Thus,
the survey of judges' categories from the 50 proposed criteria revealed 11 most practical criteria by which it is possible to evaluate the work of judges in competitions. As a result of the questionnaire survey, most experts put professional ethics and discipline in the first place; second place - appearance; third place - knowledge of the rules and the ability to use them.
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