Analysis of the indicators of the competitive activity of the leading female judokas in the weight category up to 52 kg




judo, sportswomen, competitive activity, weight category, indicators


Purpose: to analyze the indicators of the competitive activity of the leading female judokas in the weight category up to 52 kg. Material and methods. During the work, the following research methods were used: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature; timing; analysis of protocols and video recordings of fights of highly qualified female judokas; methods of mathematical statistics. 68 fights of three leading female judokas in the weight category up to 52 kg were analyzed. The last five starts of each athlete in the Grand Slam competitions were analyzed. Source data and video recordings of performances were taken from the official website of the International Judo Federation «International Judo Federation» ( Results: in the medal standings of athletes in the weight category up to 52 kg, the leaders are representatives of Japan (Abe Uta; Shishime Ai) and France (Buchard Amandine). Analysis of the duration of competitive bouts of leading female judokas in the weight category up to 52 kg showed that representatives of Japan ended 70-78 % of fights ahead of schedule (Abe Uta - 17 fights out of 24; Shishime Ai - 18 fights out of 23), 17 % - in extra time (Abe Uta - 4 fights out of 24; Shishime Ai - 4 fights out of 23). The representative of France Buchard Amandine finished almost half of the fights (48%) ahead of schedule (10 fights out of 21), 38 % - in extra time (8 fights out of 21). In the allotted time, the least number of fights ended for all athletes. The analysis of the technical actions of the leading female judokas in the weight category up to 52 kg revealed the total number of actions and their effectiveness. So, Abe Uta performed 90 technical actions: 78 (87 %) - standing, 12 (13 %) - parterre and lying position. Effective 21 (27 %) of 78 technical actions in standing position and 5 (42 %) of 12 in parterre and lying position. Athlete Buchard Amandine performed 86 technical actions: 71 (83 %) - standing, 15 (17 %) - parterre and lying position. Effective 13 (18 %) of 71 technical actions in standing position and 6 (40 %) of 15 in parterre and lying position. Judoka Shishime Ai performed 60 techniques: 40 (67 %) - standing, 20 (33 %) - parterre and lying position. Effective 7 (17 %) of 40 technical actions in a standing position and 6 (30 %) of 20 in a parterre and lying position. The main technical actions that are most often used by athletes were: Abe Uta: throw over the back (32 %), throw with a grab under one leg (29 %), overturns (50 %), hold (50 %); Buchard Amandine: over the shoulders (48 %), over the back (11 %), rolls (53 %), holds (20 %), choke (27 %). Shishime Ai: throw with a grab under one leg (45 %), sweep from the outside under the opposite leg (27 %), flips (65 %), hold (35 %). Conclusions. It has been established that the leaders in the weight category up to 52 kg among women are representatives of Japan and France. It was revealed that the leading sportswomen in the weight category up to 52 kg finished most of the fights ahead of schedule and in extra time. The indices of the competitive activity of each leading judoka in the weight category up to 52 kg were investigated. It was revealed that athletes use the same basic and most common throws (throw over the back, throw with a grab under one leg) and technical actions in the parterre position and lying down (overturns, holdings).

Author Biographies

Ivan Chertov, National University of «Odessa Law Academy»

Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education

Natalia Boychenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Georgy Zantaraya, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

graduate student of martial arts department

Yevhen Myroshnychenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture



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