The dynamics of performance indicators of combat activity in epee fencers 10-12 years old under the influence of the author's program




fencing, young epee fencers, techniques, combat actions, training


Purpose: to establish the dynamics of indicators of combat effectiveness in swordsmen 10-12 years under the influence of the author's program. Material and methods. The study involved 20 fencers, aged 10-12 years. Classes in the group were conducted in the amount of 8 hours a week. The study lasted one academic year. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical research, pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing, method of expert evaluations (evaluation of combat effectiveness), methods of mathematical statistics. Results: with the help of the selected tests, the levels of general and special physical fitness of young epee fencers were determined. The problems and features of the formation of the combat repertoire of 10-12 years old epee fencers at the stage of basic training are considered. The methodology for increasing the level of effectiveness of competitive activity by increasing the intensity of training sessions has been developed. The program is supplemented with distance learning tools. A program of work is proposed in weekly and yearly cycles. The assessment of the dynamics of the effectiveness of the combat arsenal of young fencers under the influence of the developed program is carried out. Conclusions. in the indicators of both groups, there were positive changes in the tests of general (p<0,01) and special (p<0,001) physical fitness. The difference between the groups (p<0,05) in most tests proves a positive tendency to improve the results in the experimental group. Although in the test «Shuttle run 4x9 m» (p˃0,05) and in the performance of effective attacks (p>0,1) there were no significant changes between the indicators of the groups, in general, positive changes were observed. The effectiveness of the developed program in relation to the quality of the combat repertoire has been proved. This is confirmed by the reliable dynamics of changes in the results of young epee fencers of the experimental group (EG) in the performance of combat actions: the number of counterattacks, effective attacks and effective counterattacks (p<0,001).

Author Biographies

Irina Kriventsova, H.S. SkovorodaKharkiv National Pedagogical University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, assistant professor, head of the department martial arts, fencing and strength sports

Pavlo Lymanskiy, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

applicant for higher education of the second (master's) level, the second year of study at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports


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