The author's athlete training program at the stage of specialized basic training in pancration




structure, content, participation, training, program


Purpose: to develop the structure and content of the author's training program for athletes at the stage of specialized basic preparation in pankration in the annual training cycle (on the example of the second year of study, 15–16 years). Material and methods. The study used the following methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of literature sources, surveys of trainers-teachers of pankration, analysis of documentary materials. Results: there were carried out the generalization of scientific and methodical data and defined the bases for correction of qualified sportsmen preparation system in mixed combat sports on the basis of modern tendencies. The generalizations of theoretical data were supplemented by the results of the study normative documents on the training of athletes of different stages of long-term improvement in pankration; the results of the analysis indicators of athletes’ competitive activity at the stage of specialized basic preparation in pankration and generalization of practical experience on the basis of coaches’ interview, who working with the specified contingent of athletes. Conclusions. Significant author's differentiate regarding the existing structure and content of the program of annual training of athletes at the stage of specialized basic training in pankration are as follows: selection of exercises taking into account the specifics of competitive activities by athletes; taking into account the projected level of preparedness contained in the approach to the performance of adult athletes; differentiation of means of training taking into account variability of manners of conducting competitive activity and construction of technical and tactical actions; change in the ratio of the volume of exercises for general and special physical training; increasing the overall intensity of exercise. It is proposed to reduce the volumes by sections of theoretical training, technical training (selective influence), tactical training (selective influence), drawing up control standards, general and special physical training (selective influence), free and control fights. It is proposed to increase the volume of joint training with athletes of other sports teams, the number of staged fights, other sports; to supplement the structure with a section using the means of combined action of technical and tactical training and for physical training - by means of combined action with technical and tactical training; using sports related to the structure and content of competitive activities with pankration and specified the ratio of hours between participation in qualifying competitions and in refereeing and coaching practice.

Author Biographies

Oleg Sogor, Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Boberskyy

post graduate student

Maryan Pityn, Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Boberskyy

DSc (Physical Education and Sport), Professor

Andriy Okopnyy, Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Boberskyy

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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