Research of the problem of professional development of judo judges
judo, questionnaire, refereeing, judges of the national category, referees of the first category, criteriaAbstract
Purpose: using a questionnaire to investigate the problems of raising the professional level of judo judges. Material and methods. During the study, the following methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources and Internet data, pedagogical research, questionnaire survey, generalization of theoretical and practical experience of specialists in the field of combat sports, methods of mathematical statistics. A questionnaire survey of judo judges was conducted. The study involved 30 judo judo national category (19 people) and the first category (11 people). Results: An analysis of the survey of judo judges revealed that a judo judge must have a certain charisma, as 94,7 % of judges of the national category and 100 % of judges of the first category think. 84,2 % of judges of the national category and 72,7 % of judges of the first category believe that they feel quite confident in a difficult situation on the mat. 36,8 % of judges of the national category and 81,8 % of the first category believe that psychological circumstances affect refereeing, but 63,2 % of the judges of the national category answered «no» to the fact that they already have more experience in refereeing and judge more confidently than the judges of the first category categories. 100 % of the national judges and 100 % of the first category believe that the analysis of the assessment according to the criteria will improve their judging. 100 % of the judges of the national category and 100 % of the first category believe that the assessment of their judging should be broken down into separate criteria. 89,5 % of judges of the national category and 100 % of the first category answered that they do not always understand by what criteria their refereeing is assessed. 94, 7% of the judges of the national category and 100 % of the first category believe that their refereeing does not improve after they know the overall mark for the refereeing, since the overall mark does not indicate what mistakes need to be worked on. 63,2 % of judges of the national category and 90,9 % of the first category believe that their judo judo is assessed not entirely objectively. 100 % of judges of the national category and 100 % of the first category believe that it is necessary to constantly improve their professional skills in judo judo. Conclusions. Thus, according to the results of work in judo competitions, judges are given marks in accordance with the criteria of activity. An analysis of the results of a survey of judges of the national and first categories showed the need to develop recommendations regarding the expansion of the criteria for evaluating judges by performance indicators at competitions, identifying the causes of errors of judges while working on the mat.
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