Analysis of the competitive activity of highly qualified taekwondo athletes at the European Championships 2023
taekwon-do, analysis, indicators, technical actions, highly skilled athletesAbstract
Purpose: to analyze the competitive activity of highly skilled taekwondo athletes at the European Championships 2023. Material and methods. The following methods were used in the research: analysis of scientific and methodical information and sources of the Internet; video computer analysis of competitive activity of highly skilled taekwondoists; methods of mathematical statistics. To analyze the fights, a specialized computer program «Martial Arts Video Analysis» was used. The research analyzed 56 rounds (28 competitive fights) of highly qualified taekwondo fighters in weight categories in the range of 58-92 kg of the European Taekwon-Do ITF Championship. Results: the analysis of scientific and methodical publications and sources of the Internet determined that scientific and methodical support of training of highly skilled taekwondo fighters requires the increase of efficiency of technical and tactical training and its further improvement. On the basis of the analysis of the competitive activity of highly qualified taekwondo fighters, it was found that some winners performed significantly more technical actions than those who lost (by 72,2 %); fight winners achieved higher scores (on average by 7 points) and had higher efficiency of actions compared to those who lost, but the level of variability in these indicators in winners (V=28,5 %) and losers (V=22,0 %) is quite significant, and it is important to take into account the abnormal distribution of results; the efficiency of technical and tactical actions of the winners during the fight increases (76,7±12,64, V=16,5 %), and of the losers - decreases (26,7±21,73, V=81,4 %); time intervals between technical actions in winners amounted to 32,7±6,26 (V=19,1 %), in losers - 35,4±6,33 (V=17,8 %); the number of various effective actions in winners amounted to 4,2±0,82 (V=19,5 %), in losers - 3±0,61 (V=20,3 %); most often athletes perform a blow with the hand closer to the opponent (5,8 times), the effectiveness of this action is 11,2 % and brings 1.4 points; the blow «Yop chagi (upper level, the leg is closer to the opponent)» is performed less often, only 1,6 times, but has a much higher efficiency – 17,5 % and brings 2 points. Conclusions. The analysis of fights of highly skilled taekwondoists of weight categories in the range of 58-92 kg at the European Taekwon-Do ITF Championships allows to optimize the training process and is a prerequisite for the development of new approaches of training. It is established which technical and tactical actions of highly qualified taekwondo athletes of different weight categories contributed to the achievement of maximum results: for weight categories 58-71 kg - a punch «Dollo chagi (medium level, the leg is closer to the opponent)» and a punch in a jump; for weight categories 78-92 kg - a punch with a hand closer to the opponent and «Dollo chagi (medium level, the leg is far from the opponent)».
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