Study of sensorimotor reactions of karateka of 10-13 years old




sensorimotor skills, psychophysiology, karate, beginner, research


Purpose: to determine the level of sensorimotor reactions of karateka of 10-13 years old. Material and methods. The following research methods were used in the present research: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature; pedagogical supervision; psychophysiological measurements; mathematical and statistical methods of the research. The research was attended by karate juniors of the sports club «Centurion», Kharkiv, in the amount of 26 sportsmen who were divided into 2 groups of 13 people according to the age criterion. The first group of karateka is 10-11 years old, the second one is 12-13 years old. To determine the level of manifestation of sensorimotor reactions a complex of special programs for tablet computers under the control of iOS was used. The results of sensorimotor reactions of the athletes studied by the following tests were obtained: TestSTMemory (short-term visual memory); Visuomotor Choice Reaction (choice reactions); Reaction RMO (reactions to a moving object); TappingPro (number and duration of taps during the 1st minute). Results: the duration of a sensorimotor reaction is one of the neurophysiological indicators. It is the simplest, most accessible and at the same time very accurate neurophysiological indicator. It reflects the speed of neural processes and their switching, motor coordination, overall performance, and the dynamics of the central nervous system. The analysis of the study results showed that karateka aged 10-11 have 13 % less perceptual capacity than karateka aged 12-13. Older karateka were better at memorizing and passing tests faster because this cognitive activity is associated with memorizing the opponent's positions and differentiating hidden signals before motor actions. The choice reaction of older athletes is 26 % higher, which indicates that karateka aged 12-13 years have a more perfect control of the mechanism of movement. The reaction to a moving object in older athletes is 52 % more accurate. In the tapping test, older karateka made 11 % more taps due to their higher qualifications and physiological development. Statistically significant results were obtained in the Wilcoxon test – «Choice Reaction», «Short-term Visual Memory» and «Reaction to a Moving Object». The results of older athletes in the «Tepping Test» are better, but not statistically significant (p>0,05). The better results of older sportsmen in other tests are connected with the growth of the volume of special exercises, namely exercises with elements of martial arts. Conclusions. The above tests can be used in the training process of karateka for the definition of psychophysiological features, because according to the analysis and comparison of the received data in tests «Reaction of a choice», «Short-term visual memory» and «Reaction to a moving object» the senior karateka have statistically reliably better indicators than younger sportsmen (p<0,05). It is connected with the growth of the volume of special exercises in sportsmen of the senior group, namely exercises with elements of martial arts.

Author Biographies

Y. Koliada, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

4rd year student of the martial arts department

V. Romanenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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