Formation of professional training of future coaches in martial arts with the use of training devices
device, technical and tactical preparedness, martial arts, skills, controlAbstract
Purpose: to develop a training device aimed at the formation and control of professional training of future coaches in martial arts. Materials and methods. Theoretical analysis, generalization of the data of scientific and methodological literature and the Internet made it possible to identify the problem field for the formation of professional preparedness of future martial arts trainers. The analysis of documents (training and work programs of the discipline «Theory and Methodology of the Selected Sport» or a number of relevant disciplines) in specialized institutions of higher education in Ukraine, the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the European Union revealed various approaches to the formation of technical and tactical preparedness of future combat sports trainers, and also pointed out the need to develop and implement training devices for students in the educational process that meet current development trends martial arts. Results: the «TTT-2» training device was developed, designed to improve and control the technical and tactical training of wrestlers who study in specialized institutions of higher education. The device consists of two monitors; two computer mice; two panels with a button to stop; electro-fixer for registration of tasks, equipped with light and sound alarms; digital software, which provides information on the implementation of tasks. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, it was established that technical and tactical preparedness is one of the most important components of the professional preparedness of future martial arts trainers. For its formation, the most promising is the use of interactive tools. A simulator «TTT-2» has been developed, the main advantage of which is the ability to develop not only the skills needed in the professional activities of future martial arts trainers and their students, but also the ability to receive real-time real-time feedback between a student and a teacher.
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