The effectiveness of competitive activity in the sport of horticulture
horting, Ukrainian martial culture, martial arts, sports training, technical actions, strikes, throws, sports competitionsAbstract
Purpose: to investigate the efficiency of the competitive activity of skilled sledders in the competitive section «duel». Material and methods. The following methods were used in the research: the analysis and generalization of data of the special scientific literature; the analysis of protocols and video recordings of the competitive activity of the qualified greyhounds; methods of mathematical statistics. The competitive activity (47 fights) at the championships and cups of Ukraine in 2021-2023 in the section «duel» in all weight categories of male athletes among adults (18 years and older) was studied. Results: the study of competitive activity showed that 67 % of the time of fights in the competitions in the field of hornting is held in the stand, and 33 % in the floor. Scoring points in the ground can be obtained by holding (1 and 2 points) and strikes that hit the opponent (1 point). From the stand-up position, the athletes scored 54 points (65 %), and 29 points (35 %) in the ground. In 31 % of the fights, the victory was achieved by scoring points, 31 % by painful techniques, 23 % by choking techniques and 15 % by knockout blows. An early victory in the sport of horting is possible by executing an effective painful or choke hold, a knockout punch, and one of the athletes scoring 6 points. The distribution of early wins by competition round shows that in the first round, 67 % of athletes won. In the second round, athletes achieved early victories in 33% of the matches. In 45 % of the fights, the athletes achieved an early victory through painful techniques. Of these, 75 % were arm holds and 25 % were leg holds. In 33 % of the fights, the athletes achieved victory through choke holds. The winner was determined by knockout in 22 % of fights. Conclusions. Adult male athletes use striking and wrestling techniques in the fights of the «duel» competitive section. The most effective technique for achievement of victory by points and early victory is a wrestling technique. In competitive fights in a stance, the most effective throws are those with a leg grab. Insufficient mastery of wrestling technique leads to the defeat of an athlete in the first round by a suffocating or painful hold. It is determined that transfers to the ground are not evaluated by judges, but create conditions for the further implementation of holds, painful and suffocating techniques. In the ground, the most effective are painful arm holds and chokes. Striking techniques are used mainly as a preparatory technique for throws and painful and suffocating holds. In the second round, the importance of performing holds increases.
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