Development of an algorithm for assessing the neurodynamic properties of kickboxing athletes




psychophysiological diagnostics, typological properties of higher nervous activity, acmeological campaign


Purpose: to develop an algorithm for assessing the neurodynamic properties of kickboxing athletes. Material and methods. The following methods were used in the study: analysis of scientific and methodological information and Internet sources; psychophysiological research methods; methods of mathematical statistics. Results: аn analysis of modern scientific work on the organization of the training process, its planning and increasing the effectiveness of competitive activity indicates that the individual typological properties of the higher nervous activity of kickboxer athletes are one of the basic indicators of the psychology of sports, which can directly affect the effectiveness of training loads and competitive activity. The article presents the materials and results of a study of indicators of the individual neurodynamic properties of kickboxer athletes of the ISKA Kickboxing Federation of Ukraine. Using the computer system of psychophysiological diagnostics “Diagnost-1”, the sensory component of the psychophysiological state of athletes included in the focus group was determined. To assess the psychophysiological state, a simple visual-motor reaction, the reaction of selecting one signal out of three, the reaction of selecting two signals out of three, with recording the latency period and the number of errors were determined. As a result of the research, data were obtained characterizing the individual typological properties of the higher nervous activity of the sensorimotor functions of athletes. Conclusions. Аn analysis of the results indicates that low psychophysiological indicators were demonstrated in the group of athletes examined. It was established that the number of mistakes made by athletes during the performance of psychophysiological testing increased depending on the complexity of the tests. The overall result of the studies makes it possible to assert that the psychophysiological state of the athletes who were part of the focus group corresponds to a low and below average level. The results of the study are appropriate for the development of methodological support for modeling the training activities of kickboxers at the stage of basic training and competitive activity, as well as for the implementation of sports selection and individualization of training activities of kickboxers.

Author Biographies

Georgiy Korobeynikov, National Universitiy of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport

Dr. Sc. Biology, Professor, Head of the Department of Combat Sports and Power Sports

Yura Tropin, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport)

Denis Volskyi, National Universitiy of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport

graduate student

Alexandr Jirnov, National Universitiy of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport

Phd (Physical Education and Sport)

Lesia Korobeynikova , National Universitiy of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport

Dr. Sc. Biology, Professor

Andrey Chernozub, Black Sea State University P. Graves

Dr. Sc. Biology, Associate Professor


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