Teaching the basics of technique and development of coordination abilities of judokas of 6-7 years old with the help of fitball exercises





judo, judokas, exercises, fitballs, technique, coordination abilities, method of expert assessments


Purpose: to increase the effectiveness of teaching the basics of technique and development of coordination abilities of judokas of 6-7 years old by means of exercises with fitballs. Material and methods. The following methods were used in the research: theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources; pedagogical supervision over the educational and training process; pedagogical experiment; pedagogical testing; method of expert estimations; methods of mathematical statistics. Results: it is proposed to use exercises with fitballs aimed at studying the basics of technique and development of coordination abilities that corresponds to the age of 6-7 years (exercises with fitballs for studying acrobatic exercises, for studying the basics of self-insurance, for fixing the technique of unbalancing, for studying the technique of throwing over the hip and back foot, exercises for developing balance). After the experiment judokas of the experimental group improved the most significantly the scores for the performance of a roll over the right (t=3,04; p<0,05) and left shoulder (t=3,59; p<0,05), self-insurance on the right (t=3,90; p<0,05) and left side (t=3,38; p<0,05), forward balance (t=3,21; p<0,05), forward-left (t=3,21; p<0,05) and forward-right (t=3,63; p<0,05). When comparing indicators of development of coordination abilities of the control and experimental groups with each other a statistically significant difference in indicators of Romberg test (t=2,89; p<0,05) and jumps with revolutions (t=2,39; p<0,05) characterizing the level of static and dynamic balance was established. When comparing the scores between judokas of the control and experimental groups, a statistically significant difference was also found (t=3,20; p<0,05), which indicates a greater effectiveness of the means of the sportsmen of the experimental group. When performing a throw over the hip at the end of the pedagogical experiment there is a statistical increase of scores for the performance of a throw in sportsmen of the experimental group (t=4,16; p<0,05). Comparing the scores between judokas of the control and experimental groups the statistically significant difference (t=3,05; p<0,05) is also established, that indicates the greater efficiency of means of sportsmen of the experimental group which improved indicators connected with the performance of technical actions forward, such as removal from balance and throw over a hip. Conclusions. It is experimentally established that with the help of the offered means it is possible to teach effectively such difficult technical actions as self-insurance on the right and left side, unbalancing forward, forward-side, throw back foot, throw over a thigh, to develop static and dynamic balance, also they will allow to improve the performance of technical actions in both directions.

Author Biographies

V. Lomizov, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Master's student of the Department of Martial Arts

N. Boychenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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