Comparative analysis of indicators of general physical fitness of qualified boxers of different manners of conducting a fight




physical development, qualified sportsmen, general physical fitness, relative values, preparation


Purpose: to carry out a comparative analysis of indicators of the general physical fitness of skilled boxers of different manners of conducting a fight. Material and methods. The following research methods were used in the work: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature; pedagogical research; pedagogical testing; methods of mathematical statistics. The research was conducted on the basis of Children and Youth Sports School № 9 (Kharkiv) and Children and Youth Sports School № 2 (Poltava). The research involved 25 skilled boxers aged 17-19 years old, of different manners of conducting a fight. The sportsmen were divided into 3 groups according to the manners of conducting a fight: «game players» (7 boxers), «tempo boxers» (12 boxers), «power players» (6 boxers). Physical abilities of boxers were tested according to the curriculum for children's and youth sports school in boxing. Results: the results of indicators in testing «Running on 1000 m» between «game players» and «power workers» are reliable (t=2,49; p<0,05), between «power workers» and «tempo workers» there is also a statistically significant difference (t=3,16; p<0,01), between indicators of «game players» and «tempo workers» reliability was not observed (t=1,10; p>0,05). In indicators of the test «Running on 100 m» between «game players» and «power players» the statistically significant difference is observed (t=2,22; p<0,05), between «power players» and «tempo players» also the statistically significant difference is observed (t=4,59; p<0,001), between indicators of «game players» and «tempo players» the reliability is not observed (t=1,39; p>0,05). In the test results of the test «Shuttle run 4×9 m» between «players» and «power men» there is a statistically significant difference (t=3,20; p<0,01), in «powermen» and «tempo men» the result was less expressed (t=2,08; p<0,05), between indicators of «players» and «tempo men» reliability was not observed (t=1,08; p>0,05). When performing the test «Hang on bent arms (angle at the elbow 900)» only «power» and «tempo» boxers had reliability (t=3,04; p<0,01), in all other boxers of different manners of conducting a fight reliability of indicators was not observed (p>0,05). In the results of testing «Torso tilt forward from a sitting position» a statistically reliable indicator was observed only between «game players» and «power men» (t=2,35; p<0,05), «power men» and «tempo men» (t=2,22; p<0,05). Conclusions. The conducted research allowed to establish that sportsmen of «power» manner of conducting a fight have more expressed high-speed and power preparation, but do not have significant results in power endurance. Athletes of the «tempo» manner have more pronounced results in high-speed movements and in endurance exercises. Sportsmen of the «game» manner of conducting a fight have the best indicators in all tests as evidenced by the obtained results.

Author Biographies

Y. Martyniuk, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

lecturer, graduate student

V. Dzhym, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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