Optimization of defensive actions by sloping backward from direct punches in shock martial arts
efficiency, protection, tilt back, displacement, optimization, martial arts, movement, biomechanicsAbstract
Purpose: to identify the optimal protective actions by sloping backward from direct punches in shock types of martial arts. Material and methods. The study involved students engaged in the sports and fitness section of Fight Fitness (n=20), 11 boys and 9 girls, aged 18-21 years. The videos of the process of performing protection against a strait punch to the head were taken: a) by tilting the torso backwards, b) by moving the body backwards with turning to the side. Using the special computer program «BioCalculation» (determination of biomechanical characteristics in shock martial arts), the distance of displacement of the head and pelvis of students (by control points) were determined, and a comparative analysis of the results were carried out. Research methods: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observations, expert assessment method, instrumental method, mathematical data processing. Results: the study found: 1) when performing protection by tilting the torso backward, the head moves backward and the pelvis moves slightly (the average head movement distance was 46.7 cm (boys) and 36,1 cm (girls), the movement of the pelvis was 11,4 cm (boys) and 8,1 cm (girls); 2) when performing protection by movement backwards with turning the body to the side, the average distance of the head movement was 59,3 cm (boys) and 43,2 (girls), and of the pelvis – 34,4 cm (boys) and 26,8 cm (girls). Theoretically and practically substantiated, the effectiveness of using of protection by moving backward with the body turning to the side. Conclusions. Based on the results obtained, the advantage of performing protection by moving backward and turning the torso to the side is obvious. The results of a comparative analysis show that when a protective action is performed with a slope backward with a turn, the head displacement is 27,0 % (boys) and 19,7 % (girls) more than when this protection was performed without turning. According to experts, tilting back with a turn is more effective due to a more stable position (stance) and the possibility of a counterattack.
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