Comparative analysis of the results of the national team of Ukraine in wrestling




wrestling, competitive activity, elite athletes, comparative analysis, medals


Purpose: to conduct a comparative analysis of the results of the performances of the national wrestling team of Ukraine at European and world competitions from 2001 to 2020. Material and methods. The study used the following methods: analysis of scientific and methodological information and Internet sources; generalization of best practices; analysis of official competition protocols; methods of mathematical statistics. The performances of athletes of the national wrestling team of Ukraine at the European Championships, World Championships and the Olympic Games from 2001 to 2020 are analyzed. The number of Purpose: to conduct a comparative analysis of the results of the performances of the national wrestling team of Ukraine at European and world competitions from 2001 to 2020. Material and methods. The study used the following methods: analysis of scientific and methodological information and Internet sources; generalization of best practices; analysis of official competition protocols; methods of mathematical statistics. The performances of athletes of the national wrestling team of Ukraine at the European Championships, World Championships and the Olympic Games from 2001 to 2020 are analyzed. The number of medals earned was calculated, as well as the number of gold medals and the team's place in the medal standings. For a more detailed analysis, the competitions were combined into four-year Olympic cycles. Results: аn analysis of the performances of the national team of Ukraine in wrestling at European and world level competitions from 2001 to 2020 showed that the most productive in the number of medals won are 2015 (17 medals), 2009 (16 medals) and 2013 (15 medals) . It was determined that the first places in the unofficial medal standings were most often occupied by athletes of the national team of Ukraine in women's wrestling, as the team became five times European champions in 2004, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2019. The national team of Ukraine in freestyle wrestling was the European champions once – in 2005. Conclusions. А comparative analysis of the results showed that the largest number of medals won by representatives of women's wrestling was 113 medals, of which 34 were gold (30% of all medals); after that, freestyle wrestlers – 78 medals, of which 10 gold (13 %) and Greco-Roman wrestlers – 56 medals, of which 10 gold (18 %). It was revealed that the best result in the number of medals won was observed among women wrestlers in the Olympic cycle of 2009-2012 – 28 medals, among freestyle wrestlers in the Olympic cycle of 2005-2008 – 22 medals and among Greco-Roman wrestlers in the Olympic cycle 2013-2016 – 15 medals.

Author Biographies

Yura Tropin , Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Mykola Latyshev, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Leonid Rybak, National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky

assistant of the Department of Physical Training and Personal Security

Maksym Buhaiov, Khmelnytsky National University

Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sport


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