The dynamics of the development of flexibility of judokas 13-14 years




judo, flexibility, active flexibility, passive flexibility, means, dynamics, research, development


Purpose: to study the dynamics of the development of flexibility of young judokas. Material and methods. During work, the following research methods were used to solve the tasks: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical observation; pedagogical testing; methods of mathematical statistics. The study of the dynamics of the development of flexibility of young judokas was carried out using the following tests: «Raising straight arms up from a supine position, arms forward» (cm); «Torso forward while standing on the g / bench» (cm); «Longitudinal twine» (city); «Bridge» (cm). Results: studying the scientific and methodological literature on the problem of the development of flexibility in judo, a selection of exercises was carried out to develop active and passive flexibility of judo. After the implementation of the selected sets of exercises in the training process to develop the flexibility of young judokas, changes in the tested indicators were established. So, in the test «Leaning straight arms up from the supine position, arms forward», the flexibility index increased from 22,5 cm at the beginning of the study to 25,3 cm at the end of the study, in terms of percentages, the flexibility indicator increased by 12,4 % In the test «Torso forward in a standing position on a bench / bench», at the beginning of the study, the flexibility indicator averaged 11,42 cm, at the end – 14,92 cm. In terms of percentages, the flexibility indicator increased by 29,7 %. In the «Longitudinal twine» test, the indicator at the beginning of the training year in the group was 171 degrees, at the end of the study period - 178 degrees, the difference in these indicators was only 7 degrees, but these differences are very significant and statistically significant (t=7,53 at p<0,05). In the Bridge test, the increase in results was 7,2 %. Conclusions. A feature of the educational process of young judokas was the use of selected sets of exercises for the development of different types of flexibility based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature. Analysis of the dynamics of the development of flexibility of young judokas showed that statistically significant differences in all indicators are observed between the beginning and the end of the study (p<0,05). Since in the study group attention was focused on the development of both passive and active flexibility, more significant changes are explained precisely by the effect of the accentuated development of flexibility.

Author Biographies

Natalia Boychenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Ivan Chertov, National University of «Odessa Law Academy»

Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education

Yurii Pyroh, Dnepropetrovsk professional college of sports

sports teacher


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