Methods of development of physical qualities and functional readiness of students of section of fencing of pedagogical university
fencing, students, physical qualities, speed, strength, stamina, functionalityAbstract
Purpose: quality control of the methodology for the development of physical qualities and functional readiness of female students of the humanitarian faculty of the Pedagogical University in the classes of fencing group. Materials and methods. The experiment was attended by 14 second-year students of humanitarian faculties of H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, who practice fencing lessons. Classes were held 3 times a week: 1 time in the academic group and 2 times in classes. The study lasted one academic year. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, questioning, pedagogical observations, testing of physical qualities and functional readiness, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: the technique of physical and functional training of students who are engaged in the fencing classes is developed. A wide range of general and special training tools for beginner fencers is presented in order to increase the level of development of physical qualities and functional capabilities of the body. A cycle construction option is proposed, which includes tasks of general and special physical training of fencers. The program is designed for 38 weeks. The predominant focus of the preparation stages: the first, 15 weeks, the development of muscle strength and endurance; second, 8 weeks, speed-strength and technical training; third, 15 weeks, technical and tactical and speed-strength endurance. Conclusions. It is proved that the proposed methodology for training physical qualities and functional capabilities of the body is effective. The results are confirmed by the reliable dynamics of changes in indicators in the Cooper test and touches into the target for 30 seconds (p<0,01), as well as by an increase in the quality of training of female students in the tests: sit-up in 1 minute, bending-unbending arms in a lying position, lunge-return in 20 seconds (p<0,05).
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