Analysis of the results Ukrainian national freestyle wrestling team on the eve of the 2020 Olympic Games
freestyle wrestling, analysis, competitive activity, forecastingAbstract
Purpose: to analyze the performances of freestyle wrestling athletes of the national team of Ukraine in at official international competitions in recent years and make a forecast for the upcoming XXXII Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo (Japan). Materials and methods. The following generally methods were used in the research: analysis of scientific and methodological literature and Internet sources, analysis of official competition protocols, methods of mathematical statistics; analysis, synthesis and modeling of competitive activity aspects of the wrestlers. All performances of Ukrainian athletes at the European Championships, World Championships and the Olympic Games among adults from 1993 to 2019 inclusive are analyzed. The number of medals earned was calculated, as well as the number of gold medals separately. For a more detailed analysis and forecasting, the competitions were combined into four-year Olympic cycles. MS Excel was used for statistical analysis and graphical presentation of the research results. Results: an analysis of the results shows that over the years of Ukraine independence, wrestlers won 83 medals at the European Championships, of which 18 (21,7 %) were gold. The most productive year is 1993, and 1999 is also worth noting, when 3 gold medals were received. On average, athletes for the period under review won 3,1±1,6 medals. Only in 2017, the wrestlers could not win a medal at the European Championship. At the world championships for the specified period, the athletes won 32 medals, of which only 5 (15,6%) gold. Thus, we get the result of 1,5±0,9 medals on average. Freestyle wrestlers have always participated in the Olympic Games and in all but the last (in 2016), medals were won. Conclusions. The Ukrainian freestyle wrestling team over the past few Olympic cycles has reduced the number of representatives at the Olympics, which effect on their performance. The number of medals won at the European Championships is reduced and only 3 medals were received in the current Olympic cycle. The linear regression coefficient is negative and amounts to –1.7 medals per an Olympic cycle. Considering the results at the world championships, we can say that the number of medals won is growing, reaching a plateau, and then there is a decline to 2 medals in the current Olympic cycle (2017–2020).
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