Strength training in the training process of young judokas




young judokas, physical fitness, strength training, educational process, facilities, dynamics


Purpose: to develop a methodology of strength training for young judokas of 16-17 years old, experimentally substantiate its effectiveness and the appropriateness of planning individual training sessions in physical training in a weekly microcycle. Materials and methods. 16 young judokas of the Lugansk OSDUSSHOR «Olympic Hope» (age 16-17 years) took part in the experiment. They were divided into experimental (n=8) and control (n=8) groups. A specially organized pedagogical experiment lasted 25 weeks. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observations, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: а strength training technique has been developed for young judokas of 16-17 years old, with the wide use of various general educational and special means of strength training. An option is proposed to build a training microcycle for young judokas, with planned, twice a week, separate training sessions on strength training. The strength training program is designed for 25 weeks and is divided into three stages, each of which has specific tasks. At the first stage (8 weeks), strength training is aimed at developing strength endurance and absolute strength. At the second stage (8 weeks), the training of athletes is aimed at developing explosive and speed forces. At the third stage (9 weeks), the training of young judokas is aimed at the development of speed-strength endurance. Conclusions. The results of the study prove the effectiveness of the experimental methodology and the proposed option for planning strength training in the training microcycle. During the study period, young judokas of the experimental group experienced significant positive changes in strength preparedness, significantly exceeding the dynamics of strength preparedness by young men in the control group. The final study of the level of development of strength abilities of young athletes of the two groups also showed an advantage for the representatives of the experimental group (p<0,05-p<0,01).

Author Biographies

Irina Kriventsova, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Martial Arts, Fencing and Endurance Sports

Gennady Ogar, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

senior lecturer Department of Martial Arts, Fencing and Endurance Sports

Olha Panina, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

Master student


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