Individual training of qualified freestyle wrestlers, taking into account the components of the anaerobic energy supply mechanism
individualization, freestyle wrestlers, anaerobic mechanism of energy supply, current screening, permanent correctionAbstract
Purpose: to develop a program for the permanent correction of individual training of qualified freestyle wrestlers, taking into account the balance between the individual components of the anaerobic energy supply mechanism. Material and methods. The work used a theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature and empirical data of scientific research; study and generalization of the leading sports practice experience; pedagogical observation; pedagogical experiment; functional methods (bicycle ergometry test «Vita maxima», control special tests) biochemical methods (express methods for determining the excretion of creatinine, lactic acid, the company «Lachema»); methods of mathematical statistics (t-paired student criterion, cluster analysis SPSS Statistik 17). The studies were carried out on the basis of the Department of Biochemistry and Hygiene and the Department of Athletic Sports of the Lviv State University of Physical Education. 40 qualified freestyle wrestling athletes took part in the work: 11 masters of sports, 14 candidates for master of sports, 15 athletes of the 1st category. Athletes were divided into the main group and the comparison group according to the random sampling rule and they were homogeneous. During the experiment, pedagogical and biochemical monitoring was carried out over the growth of special skills and the state of energy supply systems. Also, a bicycle ergometric test «Vita maxima» was used in the studies, which imitates in laboratory conditions a special load of wrestlers for duration, intensity and energy volume. Creatinine (alactate criterion), lactic acid (lactate criterion) were used as biochemical markers of anaerobic metabolism. Results: the effectiveness of the permanent correction methodology for the individual training of qualified freestyle wrestlers is experimentally substantiated, taking into account the balance between the individual components of the anaerobic energy supply mechanism. The author’s program was based on the relationship between biochemical monitoring indicators (creatinine and lactate excretion) during the pedagogical experiment in response to the Vita maxima bicycle ergometric test and specialized control tests. The corrective factor was to identify the individual balance between the alactate and Lactate components of the anaerobic energy supply and to organize the impact of appropriate exercises on the weak link by involving cluster analysis. Conclusions. The conducted studies created the basis of the experimental substantiation of our hypothesis that permanently directed impact on individual links of energy supply mechanisms leads to the expansion of the boundaries of adaptation of the one on which the effect is made. Namely, such an approach allows increasing the speed-power capabilities of athletes and their sportsmanship, overcoming individually genetically limiting restrictions inherent in each athlete as a whole.
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