Motivation for sports activities of teenagers of 14-15 years old who are engaged in taekwondo and cycling tourism




taekwondo, cycling tourism, motivation, motive, sports activities


Purpose: to determine the needs and motivation before training sessions for teenagers 14-15 years old who are engaged in taekwondo and cycling tourism. Material and methods. The studies were attended by 51 athletes І-ІІ categories, which were 26 taekwondo and 25 cycling tourism. Research methods used:  theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical and psychological research methods; computational methods.  Results: sports are increasingly becoming an alternative for adolescents. The reasons that make you play sports are as follows: improving health, improving physique, developing physical and strong-willed qualities, the desire to be no worse than others and similar to a famous athlete, fashion and sports, the desire to maintain family sports traditions, the desire to be ready for work and military service. Conclusions. An important indicator of the development of the motivational sphere of adolescents is their interests, the form of manifestation of cognitive needs that will ensure the conscious development of the individual in a particular activity. The need for sports in adolescence makes it possible to get acquainted with new factors of reality and to trace the following stages in the development of interests: the emergence of new hobbies that are subject to doubt, clashes of socio-psychological states, the formation of authority in the circle of friends; the formation of the first experiences associated with puberty; expanding and strengthening social ties, which depend on the material conditions of the adolescent and the specific social environment. Diagnostics of motives for practicing the chosen sport of adolescents aged 14-15 showed that at the beginning of the study, taekwondo players more expressed the motive for emotional satisfaction (t=2,82; p<0,05); motive of physical self-affirmation (t=7,94; p<0,001); rational-volitional motive (t=13,97; p<0,001); motive of preparation for professional activity (t=14,42; p<0,001) relative to cycle tourists. Cyclists more pronounced motive for success (t=14,36; p<0,001), sports and cognitive motive (t=2,42; p<0,05); civil-patriotic motive (t=10,03; p<0,001) relative to taekwondo. Diagnostic data on the motivation for success and overcoming failures of adolescents aged 14-15 showed that the higher the level of success - achieving the goal, the lower the rate of risk preparedness in adolescence; a highly motivated teenager for success has a high risk appetite and rarely finds himself in unusual situations, relative to those adolescents who have a high risk appetite, but a high motivation to overcome failures (protection). Conversely, when a teenager has a high motivation to overcome failures, it is also an obstacle to motivation for success - achieving a goal.

Author Biographies

Maryna Prudnikova, Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Kateryna Mulyk, Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor


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