Comparative analysis of sensorimotor reactions of martial arts and e-sports discipline players DOTA 2
sensorimotor reactions, short-term memory, simple reaction, complex reaction, martial arts, taekwon-do ITF, thekvondo WTF, wrestling, e-sports, DOTA 2, computer applicationsAbstract
Purpose: to conduct a comparative analysis of sensorimotor reactions in athletes practicing different types of martial arts, and players of the DOTA 2 e-sports discipline. Materials and methods. Theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical testing using the instrumental method; methods of mathematical statistics. In this study, pedagogical testing was conducted to determine the characteristics of the manifestation of sensorimotor reactions in representatives of different types of martial arts and players of the DOTA 2 e-sports discipline. Results: the results of the study allow us to conclude that the features of the training and competitive activities of martial artists of various specializations and players in DOTA 2 affect the level of manifestation of their sensorimotor reactions. It was found that martial arts representatives demonstrate the best time for a simple motor reaction and choice reaction, DOTA 2 players show the best reaction time for a moving object, as well as for various visual signals when testing short-term visual memory. Conclusions. As a result of the analysis of the scientific and methodological literature, it was found that most of the tasks performed by an athlete during the training and competitive process impose high requirements on the speed and accuracy of response to the conditions of a game or combat situation, or to the actions of opponents. Successful implementation of techniques is based on a correct understanding of the situation, a high concentration of the athlete and the speed of the motor response. At the same time, the specificity of sports activity has a direct impact on the manifestation of certain sensorimotor reactions in athletes. The tasks that e-sportsmen solve during the competition, in particular in the DOTA 2 game, are similar to martial arts in the number of incoming signals and the variety of motor decisions.
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