Development of balance using balance exercises on fitballs




development of equilibrium, matchball, balance, expert estimates, research, statistically significant


Purpose: developing equilibrium in judo players 9-11 years old with the help of the right to balance on fitball. Material and methods. During pedagogical research, the method of expert assessments was used. At a 5-point scale, experts evaluated the spatial orientation of athletes. The age of the studied athletes is 9-11 years. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources, pedagogical observations, expert assessment method, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: all athletes were divided into control (n=15) and experimental (n=15) groups. A feature of the educational process in the experimental group was the use of special exercises on fitballs aimed at developing dynamic balance in judokas. Experts evaluated the fidelity of such indicators of equilibrium: the work and position of the arms, legs and torso. Considering the results of the method of expert evaluations among judoists of the experimental group at the beginning and at the end of the study, we can say that the average score for the indicators increased significantly and the growth was significant (<0,05). When performing the Romberg test test, the experimental group had a significant advantage over the control group, they were statistically significant (t=11,3; p>0,05) while in the control group the increase was (t=3,75; p>0,05). The analysis showed that the indicators of the athletes of the control group have a positive dynamics but not as pronounced as that of the athletes of the experimental group and, accordingly, statistically significant changes in only the balance content with the help of hands. Obviously, the group that used the presented exercises on balancing on fitballs to study the balance has significantly better results. Conclusions. Based on the athletes' data obtained at the beginning and the ends of the pedagogical experiment, it can be noted that each judoka in the control and experimental groups experienced an increase in the level of indicators, but among the athletes of the experimental group they are statistically significant. The best growth result among athletes of the experimental group was the performance of the test of the gymnastic exercise «Swallow» (t=18,39; p<0,05) and the test of the Romberg test (t=11,3; p<0,05).

Author Biographies

Margarita Chobotko, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs

Senior Lecturer

Ihor Chobotko, Classic Private University

Master of Science in institute of health, sports and tourism

Natalia Boychenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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