Influence of health-improving aerobics classes with the use of martial arts exercises on physical fitness of female students




health-improving aerobics, martial arts, physical fitness, exercises, complex, imitation, motor abilities


Purpose: to study the influence of recreational aerobics classes using exercises from various types of martial arts on the level of physical fitness of female students. Material and methods. The following methods were used to achieve the aim of the study: analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical experiment, method of control exercises (testing), pedagogical observation, methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 1st and 2nd year female students (n=42) attending health aerobics classes. The students were divided into experimental (n=21) and control groups (n=21). Results: the comparison of physical qualities at the beginning of the experiment shows the lack of reliability of differences between them (p>0,05). In the course of the experiment the peculiarities of the methodology of conducting classes in health-improving aerobics were studied. The content of classes for female students was developed with the inclusion of exercises from different types of martial arts. The content included special imitation exercises (hook, jab, uppercut, etc.) and additional equipment from different types of martial arts (boxing, Thai boxing, kickboxing). Classes were held three times a week and lasted 60 minutes. At each lesson, a combination of 64 exercises was learned. The introduction of imitation exercises from different types of martial arts into the health aerobics classes had a positive effect on the results of the repeated testing of female students of the experimental group. At the end of the experiment in exercises of flexion and extension of arms in a lying down support, torso tilt forward from a sitting position and torso raising in a sit for 1 min. the results changed statistically significantly (p<0,001). This can be explained by the fact that martial arts exercises contribute to the development of strength abilities to the greatest extent, and exercises in health aerobics have a significant impact on the development of flexibility. The results in shuttle run 4×9 m, 100 m run and long jump from a place did not undergo significant changes (p>0,05), though there is a small tendency to positive changes. Conclusions. It is established that the use of imitation exercises from different types of martial arts in classes on health-improving aerobics, directed not only on the development of aerobic abilities, but also on mastering and improvement of techniques of movements from boxing, kickboxing and Thai boxing, positively influences the development of physical qualities of female students. It was found that as a result of attending classes, female students had a significant improvement in flexibility and strength of the arms and abdominal press (p<0,001). Indicators of coordination, speed, power and speed abilities also increased, but these changes are not significant (p>0,05).

Author Biographies

S. Synytsya, Poltava National Pedagogical University named after Vladimir Korolenko

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Assistant professor

T. Synytsya, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Assistant professor

L. Shesterova, Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy» оf thе Kharkiv Regional Council prov

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Professor

D. Piatnytska, Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy» of the Kharkiv Regional Council prov

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Lecturer


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