Model characteristics of modern competitive activity of the world's best athletes in Greco-Roman wrestling




modeling, competitive activity, indicators, technical and tactical actions, Greco- Roman wrestling, elite athletes


Purpose: to develop model characteristics of the modern competitive activity of the world's best athletes in Greco-Roman wrestling. Material and methods. The research used the following methods: analysis of scientific and methodological information and Internet sources; analysis of protocols and video recordings of competitive activities; expert assessment, methods of mathematical statistics. An analysis of 51 matches at the 2023 World Cup and Continental Championships (Europe, Asia, Pan America) was carried out. The object of observation were the wrestlers who took the first places at the 2023 World Championship in the Olympic weight categories (60 kg, 67 kg, 77 kg, 87 kg, 97 kg, 130 kg). Results: the analysis of scientific and methodological information and Internet resources allowed to determine that the analysis of competitive activity in sports wrestling is important for predicting the success of athletes and building models of the world's strongest wrestlers. The 2023 world champions in the Olympic weight categories also took first place this year and at continental competitions (Europe, Asia, Pan-America), except for the wrestler in the 87 kg weight category - he took second place at the 2023 European Championship. Based on the analysis of protocols and competitive activity, model characteristics of the modern competitive activity of the world's best wrestlers in Olympic weight categories were compiled. The analysis of the model characteristics of the competitive activity of the world's strongest wrestlers of different weight categories showed that each athlete uses basically the same technical and tactical actions during the day, but the tactical algorithm of fighting and conducting techniques is individual for each wrestler. Conclusions. The analysis of fights at the 2023 World Championship in Greco-Roman wrestling made it possible to develop model characteristics of the competitive activity of the best wrestlers in Olympic weight categories. It has been established that the strongest fighters use from 3 to 7 technical and tactical actions to achieve victory in a fight. The most performed tricks on the floor are rollovers and throws with the back belt, and in the rack - fallbacks and push-ups behind the carpet. The evaluation of the structure of the technical arsenal showed the superiority of the parameters of the champion in terms of the number of successful attacks and points won, along with low values of missed attacks and lost technical points. The developed model characteristics of competitive activity of the best wrestlers allow the coach to more effectively organize and manage the training process, timely identify deficiencies in the wrestler's preparation and make certain corrections.

Author Biography

О. Volodchenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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