Improving the efficiency of pre-competitive training of qualified athletes in WTF taekwondo through the use of high-intensity fitness training
fitness training, high-intensity interval training, taekwondo, WTF, physical fitness, control, speed and strength capabilities, aerobic capabilitiesAbstract
Purpose: to theoretically substantiate and experimentally identify the most effective means of modern high-intensity interval fitness training of pre-competitive training of qualified athletes in WTF taekwondo. Material and methods. The following methods were used in the research: the analysis of the special scientific and methodical literature; pedagogical observations; pedagogical experiment; pedagogical testing; physiological testing; the method of expert estimations; methods of mathematical statistics. Results: the explosive growth of lactate concentration from 1,16±0,5 mM/l to 15,5±2,1 mM/l causes the next repetition of this exercise after 5 minutes of rest. The obtained data of HR (HR, bpm +26,2 %), VE, l/min (+128,6 %), VCO2, l/min (+135,5 %), VO2, l/min (+56,1 %), KIO2 (-27,5 %) indicate that at insufficient recovery between approaches at performance of rather short interval segments of submaximal power (high-intensity work up to 1 min) leads to the significant decrease of special working capacity of sportsmen. Taking into account the specifics of the sport, for the improvement of this parameter of preparedness it is considered expedient to perform 3-5 times specially developed blocks of exercises of high intensity, borrowed (mainly) from modern methods of health-improving fitness training. The results of the competitive activity of qualified taekwondo athletes confirmed the effectiveness of the use of high-intensity fitness training HIIT to improve their pre-competitive fitness. Conclusions. When planning the direct pre-competitive training of qualified taekwondo sportsmen in the annual cycle of preparation it is necessary to be guided by the information received as a result of the conducted researches and to approach in a regulated way to the definition and combination of intensity and duration of the performed exercises of a specific orientation which, in turn, model the process of competition. It is proved that to improve aerobic endurance of athletes it is necessary to plan 2-3 times in a weekly microcycle different interval training exercises performed without significant fatigue and decreased performance. For improvement of high-speed and power capabilities of sportsmen it is necessary to perform 1-2 times during a microcycle different interval training exercises with shortened segments of work of maximum intensity lasting up to 30 s.
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