Peculiarities of the mental state of qualified wrestlers




mental state, qualified wrestlers, heart rate regulation, indicators, analysis


Purpose: research of psychical state in qualified wrestlers in stage of special basic fitness. Material and methods. The study involved 31 skilled Greco-Roman wrestlers aged 14-16 years, pupils of the wrestling club in Kremenchuk. To assess the mental state of skilled wrestlers, the Luscher color test was used. According to the results of the study, the following indicators were obtained: performance, fatigue, anxiety, deviation from the autogenous norm, eccentricity, concentricity, vegetative coefficient, heteronomy and autonomy. Heart rate variability was studied as an indicator of mental stress. The cardiac monitor «Fazagraf» was used.  Based on the results of the study, we obtained statistical processing indicators and spectral characteristics of cardiac intervals. Non-parametric statistics with the determination of the median, lower and upper quartiles were used to assess the differences between the studied parameters. Results: in wrestlers with high tension of the autonomic regulation system, a deterministic functional system aimed at ensuring the mental state is revealed. At the same time, an increase in the tension of autonomic regulation is accompanied by mental fatigue, anxiety, passivity and the presence of mental stress. Prevention of mental stress in skilled wrestlers may be associated with the activation of the athlete to external environmental stimuli, optimism and a mood for positive behavior. The relationship between the indicators of mental state and the parameters of mental functions in skilled wrestlers was revealed. The moderate tension of the heart rate regulation system in skilled wrestlers is accompanied by an increase in mental performance and a decrease in anxiety. In turn, the increase in the tension of autonomous regulation is reflected in the presence of internal psychological discomfort and independence in the formation of decision-making. However, there is an increase in anxiety and a decrease in mental performance. Conclusions. The relationship between indicators of mental state and parameters of psychical functions in qualified wrestlers was revealed. Moderate tension of the heart rhythm regulation system in qualified wrestlers is accompanied by an increase in mental capacity and a decrease in anxiety. The increase in the tension of autonomous regulation in qualified wrestlers is reflected in the presence of internal psychological discomfort and independence in decision-making.

Author Biographies

G. Korobeynikov, German Sport University Cologne

Dr. Sc. Biology, Professor

А. Kokhanevich, National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport

postgraduate student


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