Study of biomechanical parameters of kickboxers with different training experience
kickboxing, training experience, biomechanical indicators, axes, segmentsAbstract
Purpose: to carry out a comparative analysis of biomechanical indicators of kickboxers with different training experience. Material and methods. The study was conducted with the participation of 23 kickboxing athletes, divided into 2 groups. Group 1 – 11 athletes, average age (14,00±0,56) years, training experience (0,65±0,18) years. Group 2 – 12 athletes, average age (13,75±1,04) years, training experience (5,00±0,58) years. Anthropometric studies included determination of body length and weight. The calculation of the main biomechanical parameters was carried out according to special regression equations. The mass of individual limb segments, the position of the centers of mass on the longitudinal axis of the segments, and the main central moments of inertia relative to the main axes of the human body (sagittal, frontal and longitudinal) were determined. The median, 1st and 3rd quartiles were determined. Results: significant differences were established in all biomechanical parameters. Athletes of group 1 had greater mass values of the foot (Q=7), lower leg (Q=7), thigh (Q=6), hand (Q=8), forearm (Q=6) and shoulder (Q=6). The location of the center of mass on the longitudinal axis of the segment was further from the proximal end in group 1. This was confirmed for the foot (Q=8), lower leg (Q=7), thigh (Q=6), hand (Q=7), forearm (Q=6) and shoulder (Q=6). The main central moments of inertia in group 1 were significantly greater than in group 2. This has been proven for the foot (Q=7), lower leg (Q=7), thigh (Q=8), hand (Q=8), forearm (Q=8), shoulder (Q=7) for the sagittal axis. For the frontal axis: foot (Q=7), lower leg (Q=7), thigh (Q=8), hand (Q=7), forearm (Q=8), shoulder (Q=8). For the longitudinal axis: foot (Q=8), lower leg (Q=7), thigh (Q=6), hand (Q=8), forearm (Q=6), shoulder (Q=6). Conclusions. The comparative analysis confirmed the differences in biomechanical indicators among kickboxing athletes with different qualifications. More experienced athletes were characterized by lower values of all certain indicators. A smaller mass of segments reflects greater speed due to reduced inertia. The increase in the main central moments of inertia along all axes in less experienced athletes proves greater inertia. This should be assessed as evidence of less technical readiness. The use of biomechanical laws when analyzing kickboxing techniques allows us to identify the main and leading links that ensure high results. Assessing the quality of movement execution allows one to improve sports technique. The calculated biomechanical criteria can be used as a tool for assessing the technical readiness of kickboxing athletes. Their practical application makes it possible to optimize training and improve monitoring of the functional state of kickboxers.
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