Dynamics of indicators of technical and tactical preparedness of judokas of 19-21 years old of middle weight categories under the influence of the offered models of preparation





competitive activity, judo, training, weight categories, indicators, modeling, models


Purpose: to investigate the dynamics of indicators of technical and tactical preparedness of judokas of 19-21 years old of middle weight categories under the influence of the offered models of training. Material and methods. Methods of the research: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature; timekeeping; analysis of protocols and video recordings of fights of judokas of 19-21 years old of weight categories up to 60 kg, up to 66 kg; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. The pedagogical experiment was attended by 20 judokas aged 19-21 years (Candidate for Master of Sports, Master of Sports of Ukraine), who were divided into control and experimental groups of 10 athletes each. We analyzed 60 fights of sportsmen of the experimental and 60 fights of the control groups. Results: after the pedagogical experiment, the number of fights that ended early increased in the judokas of the experimental group (the beginning of the experiment - 66 %, the end - 77 %) and the number of fights within the allotted time and in additional time decreased. This suggests that the fights of the athletes of the experimental group are quite dynamic, and the use of combinations and counterattacks allows to finish the fight before the allotted time. Also, the number of counterattacks and combinations of techniques during fights increased statistically significantly. Thus, the number of application of the combination technique increased from 18 to 23 (t=3,61; p<0,05), and the counterattacking from 21 to 31 (t=5,73; p<0,05). Also, the increase in the total number of real attempts to perform technical actions from 104 to 138 was established. A more detailed analysis showed that in the stand position sportsmen of the experimental group performed a smaller number of real attempts to perform technical actions in comparison with the beginning of the experiment (beginning - 103, the end - 97). Also, there is an increase in the effectiveness of technical actions (beginning - 24 (23 %), end - 35 (36 %)) estimated by judges as a half-victory (beginning - 12, end - 20) and as a pure victory (beginning - 12, end - 15). In the ground position, an increase in the number of real technical actions is observed. Thus, at the beginning of the experiment this indicator was 30 attempts, at the end - 38. Due to this the total number of real attempts of technical actions increased. Also, there is an increase in the effectiveness of technical actions (beginning - 14 (47 %), end - 19 (50 %)) evaluated by judges as half a victory (beginning - 5, end - 8) and as a pure victory (beginning - 9, end - 11). Conclusions. It is established that under the influence of the offered models of technical and tactical preparation the use of combinations and counterattacks during a fight which allows to finish it earlier than the allotted time in sportsmen of the experimental group increased. The increase in the total number of real attempts to perform technical actions, as well as certain actions (throw with the emphasis of the lower leg in the thigh, picking up under one leg, turning with hands), their effectiveness was established. Also, there is a decrease in the number of throws from the knees in a fight and an increase in its effectiveness.

Author Biographies

D. Skrinnik, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

master's student

N. Boychenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Ioannis Barbas, Democritus University of Thrace

Doctor of Education Professor


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