Computerization of the organization and holding of arm wrestling competitions
modern technologies, armwrestling, computerization, organization, competitive activityAbstract
Purpose: to analyze and determine the impact of computerization on the organization and conduct of armwrestling competitions. Material and Methods. The following methods were used in the research: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, documentary sources, publications and Internet resources, programming method. Results: in the course of the research the potential problems and challenges connected with the introduction of computerization in armwrestling were revealed. To achieve the goal, it was determined what functionality modern software should have for conducting and organizing competitions: versatility and compatibility; athlete database; digital passport of the athlete; visualization of information about the competition; integration with television and online broadcasts; statistics of the work of the judging panel; automation of team results calculation and printing of diplomas; export of results to the website; integration with statistical and analytical tools; security and confidentiality. The «ArmRe»c software was developed and implemented in the systematic work of the «Armwrestling Federation of Ukraine». The proposed «ArmRe»c program helped to: visualize pairs and competition schedules; conduct live broadcasts with captions; generate digital passports of athletes; ensure quick printing of diplomas and awards and automatic generation of team results. The implementation of the software for organizing and conducting armwrestling competitions has demonstrated a significant increase in efficiency in all aspects of the competition process. The main advantages of the proposed «ArmRec» program include: optimization of registration and competition management processes; improved interaction with spectators; efficiency in determining results and awarding; increased transparency and fairness. Conclusions. Computerization of the organization and conduct of competitions is a key factor in the development of modern sports, including armwrestling. It not only improves the efficiency and quality of competitions, but also plays an important role in the popularization and development of armwrestling as a sport, meeting the challenges of the digital era and opening up new opportunities for growth and expansion of the audience.
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