Analysis of the method of preparation of the 13-time arm wrestling champion




arm wrestling, training program, macrocycle, competition


Purpose: analysis and generalization of methodological approaches to bring the arm wrestler to the main starts of the season - European and world championships. Material and methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature and the training process of the multiple European and world champion in the annual macro cycle of preparation for the main competitions, a pedagogical experiment (hand dynamometry, tensodynamometry). Material: in the course of the study, plans and programs for the preparation of the multiple world champion 2014-2015 annual macrocycle for the main arm wrestling competitions were analyzed, strength and static endurance of the hands were measured. Results: as a result of the analysis of the training program, it was determined that it consisted of three main stages: retracting, basic and control-preparatory; Each stage included specialized exercises of static and dynamic orientation for the development of indicators of strength and static endurance of muscle groups that are directly involved in the fight in arm wrestling. Test standards were fulfilled at the initial and final stages of specialized training, but no later than 2 weeks before the start of the competition, the standards included both static and dynamic efforts, were performed with free weights, as well as using the ARM1 device (developer I. Mazurenko), which allows testing strength and static endurance directly on a specialized table. Strength and static endurance indicators in the main competitive movements increased before the main competitions of the season - the World Cup, and with the left hand this increase was more pronounced, which allowed to take higher places on the left hand. So the changes on the left hand were from 10,2 % to 15,2 %, and on the right - from 4,9 % to 15,2 %. Conclusions: the training program used allowed us to become the European champion and the silver medalist of the World Championship on the left hand, and the strength indicators of the left hand increased more than the right, which confirms its effectiveness.

Author Biographies

Dmytro Bezkorovainyi, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Iryna Zvyagintseva, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Senior Lecturer

Igor Mazurenko, Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

Graduate Student


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