Features of the creative abilities of martial artists and ski racers of various qualifications





creativity, sportsmen single combats, racing skiers - drivers, highly skilled sportsmen, components of creativity


Purpose: to define the features of capabilities of sportsmen that engage in sporting single combats and racing skiers - drivers of different qualification. Material and methods. 48 sportsmen took part in research. Including 26 sportsmen of practicing in sporting single combats is judo, sambo, karate. From them there are 8 sportsmen of level of sport master, 5 - candidates in masters of sport and 13 sportsmen of the first digit. From 22 sportsmen of racing skiers - drivers 11 sportsmen of the first digit, 5 masters of sport, took part in research, 6 - candidates in masters of sport. Age of sportsmen made 23 from 18 to. Training experience hesitated 9 from 3 to. The next methods of research are in - process used: analysis and generalization of scientifically - methodical information, questionnaire, pedagogical supervision, testing, pedagogical experiment, mathematical statistics. Results. It is educed as a result of analysis of the conducted researches, that the sportsmen of high sporting qualification have for certain high indexes on components and level of competence as compared to the sportsmen of more subzero qualification. The analysis of separate indexes of creativity educed the row of reliable distinctions both between these specializations and on qualifying levels (р<0,001-0,5). Conclusions. The comparative analysis of level of separate components of creativity of sportsmen showed that for the sportsmen of high qualification enhance able level of creativity show up in such components as a creative thinking, originality, imagination and, as a result, higher level of general creativity. Information about the level of creativity the personalities got through the testing program can be used for the selection of sportsmen with the purpose of completing of command. Data about the level of creativity are recommended to the use for optimization of educational training process, foreseeing preparation of not performer of technical-tactical actions, and creative decision of motive tasks.

Author Biographies

Оleg Kamaev, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Professor

Tetiana Sidorova, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Serhii Kotliar, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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