A study of the intensity of competitive fights of young freestyle wrestlers





young wrestlers, intensity of action, comparative analysis, winners, losers


Purpose: to analyze the intensity of actions of freestyle wrestlers at the 2019 World Championships and Ukraine freestyle wrestling among cadets. Materials and methods. To study the intensity of competitive fights, by means of an expert assessment, criteria for evaluating various intensity zones were determined. It was proposed to divide the actions of the wrestlers during the period of conducting competitive fights into three zones of intensity: small (low), moderate, high. The first zone included actions of fighters without contact in the rack, passive actions in the stalls. The second zone of intensity included the actions of the fighters in contact (preparation for the reception; fraudulent attacks, the struggle for capture). The third zone of intensity included attempts to perform technical actions (successful and unsuccessful) protection from enemy attacks, both in the stance and on the ground; fighting in a dangerous position. Research methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment; analysis of competitive fights; methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The intensity of the actions of young wrestlers at the 2019 World and Ukrainian Championships in freestyle wrestling was investigated, which allowed us to determine the impact of the athletes' functional preparedness on success in competitive fights. Conclusions. In the final matches of the World Championships and Ukrainian Championships 2019 in freestyle wrestling among cadets, the highest intensity was shown by lightweight wrestlers, followed by middleweights, followed by heavyweight wrestlers. A comparative analysis of the intensity of the final fights of the studied competitions showed the advantage of wrestlers - participants of the World Cup over the participants of the Championship of Ukraine. At the world championship, athletes 38,59 % of the time were active in high intensity, 39,98 % of the time in moderate intensity and 21,43 % in low intensity. In the championship of Ukraine, respectively – 27,97 %; 45,97 %; 26,06 %. Wrestlers who won in the final bouts earned more than points in the second period of fights, regardless of the level of competition (about 62,5 %), which is an indirect indicator of their high functional readiness. Athletes who lost the fight at the World Championships in the first period were more productive (57,0 2 %), and at the Ukrainian Championships they were slightly more effective in the second period (52,44 %). The winners of both competitions significantly surpassed their opponents in the number of points scored (p<0,001), although the winners of the World Cup lost the first period in many fights.

Author Biographies

Gennady Ogar, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

Senior lecturer of the Department of Martial Arts, Fencing and Endurance Sports

Vladyslav Sereda, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

student 62 group to the faculty of physical education and sport


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