Application of mobile games for the purpose of selection of schoolboys engaged in struggle at the initial stage of preparation




fighting, preparation, selection, moving games, physical qualities, research


Purpose: to determine the effectiveness of the use of mobile games to select students for wrestling at the initial stage of preparation and to identify their impact on the development of physical qualities of children. Material and Methods: generalization of scientific sources and documentary materials; pedagogical research methods (pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment); methods of mathematical statistics. Testing was carried out according to the method of NN Sorokin, Yu. G. Kadzhaspirova (1970). It is conducted on the basis of three groups of tests that determine the levels of development of speed and power abilities, flexibility in the joints, coordination abilities. Results. After completing this study, students not engaged in our program showed an average prospect of more than half of the surveyed students (57,1 %), and low – 42,9 % of students. Students who had a high potential for struggle were not found. When selecting capable wrestlers from 11 to 12 years, 57,1% of the surveyed have an average prospect in a fighter's sports career. And 78,6 % of students who participated in the program using games showed a high and average prospect, which indicates the effectiveness of the use of mobile games in the selection during the initial preparation stage and to identify their impact on the development of physical qualities of young fighters. Identified the most effective ways of initial selection - the identification of indicators: morphological, physiological, biochemical characteristics and mechanisms that determine the individual differences and motor abilities of young fighters. Conclusions. When selecting capable fighters from non-games and kids who played games, we found 78,6 % who have perspective in wrestling classes and we will offer them classes in sports wrestling schools. As a result of the analysis of scientific researches, we have come to the conclusion that the modern system of sports selection includes four stages, namely: primary (preliminary), secondary (in-depth examination) of sports orientation, selection into national teams (Olympic, national).

Author Biographies

Yuri Pаlichuk, Yuri Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University

PhD (Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor

Alexander Viligorsky, Yuri Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University

Senior Lecturer

Oleh Martyniv, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

PhD (Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor


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