Injury during training in the sports section of boxing is associated with the lack of physical fitness of cadets




boxing, cadet, physical training, physical fitness, trauma


Purpose: To investigate trauma during boxing training related to the lack of physical fitness of the cadets. Material and methods: cadets of the sports section of the boxing department of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs participated in the study. Section sessions with cadets are held three times a week during 2015-2019. During the current period from 01.09.2017 to 01.10.2018, 34 cases of injuries related to involvement of permanent and alternate employees of the university in boxing section were detected in the health unit located within the State Internal Affairs Department. Analyzing the cases of injuries with the head of the section, it was decided to create a separate group for the less physically prepared permanent and variable staff of the university. The general physical fitness of the cadets was investigated according to the following standards: complex strength training (bending and extension of the arms in the supine position, leaning the torso forward from the sitting position), running 100m, running 1000m, running 3000m, long jump from place, shuttle running 10x10. Special physical fitness assessments were carried out standards: punches on the sack for 8s., blows on the sack for 3 minutes., push of the kernel 4kg: stronger hand, weaker hand. For effective analysis of the obtained results, all indicators of testing were recorded in the protocols, after which the statistical and mathematical processing was carried out. Comparisons were made for each individual motor test. The results obtained were processed on a personal computer. Methods: generalized theoretical material on the special training of boxing athletes; generalized practical experience of specialists in the field of martial arts and injuries; pedagogical testing; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. Results: According to the results of the study, there were positive changes in all indicators. The risk of injury to cadets has decreased by 40%. The number of visits to the health unit decreased from 01.10.2018 to 01.10.2019 due to injuries during visits to the boxing section. Conclusions: an analysis of the number of boxing training injuries associated with under-fitness of cadets and students and the direct interdependence of the group division method and the reduction of the number of boxing training injuries associated with physical inactivity  preparedness of athletes (cadets, students).

Author Biographies

Dmitry Petrushyn, Dnipropetrovsk state university of internal affairs

candidate of science in physical education and sports, associate professor, deputy head of the special physical training department

Diana Khovanova , Dnipropetrovsk state university of internal affairs

cadet of the аcuity of economic and legal security


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