Temporary characteristics of the technique of throwing by wrestlers in the conditions of training and competitive activity





Greco-Roman wrestling, throws, elite wrestlers, time characteristics, technical and tactical training


Purpose: establish the temporal characteristics of the technique of throwing by wrestlers in the conditions of training and competitive activity. Material and methods. the study used the following methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observations, conversations with coaches and high-skilled wrestlers, generalization of best practices of specialists, instrumental method (video recording and computer analysis), methods of mathematical statistics. The analysis of the videograms was carried out using the computer program «VIRTUALDUB 1.10.4». To study the characteristics of the technique of throwing by the wrestlers of the Greco-Roman style of high qualification, 97 shots were taken by deflection by grabbing the body from behind by re-gripping the body from the ground position. 29 shots were executed in competition conditions, 34 shots were performed in the conditions of training activity without an opponent’s resistance, and 34 shots were performed in training conditions when the opponent resisted. Results: it is established that in the study of the technique of performing the techniques of combat, it is necessary to register the time parameters of the preparatory phase (approach) and the main phase (separation), which are crucial for the conduct of the reception. As a result, the robots revealed features of elite wrestlers performing the main phases of technical and tactical actions and techniques in general, various conditions of training and competitive activity, and the basic patterns of their performance by wrestlers of different weight categories were established. Improving the technical and tactical training of wrestlers requires making changes in the rhythmic structure of the throws by deflection by grabbing the body from behind and re-gripping the body from the ground position. It is necessary to reduce the transition time from the preparatory phase before the implementation of the main phase by improving the relationship between them, increase the variability of the preparatory actions, increase the initial speed of the preparatory actions, and simplify the structure of the final phase. Conclusions. it was found that the duration of the implementation of individual phases of technical-tactical actions and techniques in general depends on the conditions of performance and the weight of the athlete. Acceptance time increases with an increase in the number of confounding factors, and becomes maximum in conditions of competitive activity.

Author Biographies

Yura Radchenko , Black Sea State University P. Graves

Phd (Physical Education and Sport); Head of the Department of Martial Arts and Power Sports

Georgiy Korobeynikov , National Universitiy of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport

Dr. Sc. Biology, Professor, Head of the Department of Biomechanics and Sports Metrology

Yura Tropin , Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport)

Vladimir Shatskikh , Pridneprovsk State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports

Phd (Physical Education and Sport)

Andrey Vorontsov , National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine

graduate student

Victoria Мischenko , National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine

Phd (Sc. Biology)


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