Study of methods of regulation of positive emotions in martial arts




wrestlers, psychological skills, methods, best athletes


Purpose: To propose methods that lead to positive emotional reactions in martial arts, which can be used in the preparation of wrestlers. To accomplish this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to study the features of the psychological skills of a successful athlete, using a questionnaire survey of martial arts trainers to identify methods that work with during the psychological training of martial arts, to analyze existing methods that lead to positive emotional reactions to martial arts. Material and methods. For the struggle is characterized by extremity not only competitive, but also training situations that carry significant mental stress. When analyzing competitive activities, the psychological component acquires special significance - moral behavioral, motivational alternatives and the associated emotions of athletes. Research methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature; an aerial survey of 40 coaches in various types of martial arts; methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The study of the characteristics of the best athletes is necessary to create a formalized «champion model», which is often served as a set of model characteristics of various sides of preparedness. The problem of research and the optimal correction of the mental state in the sport of higher achievements has always been one of the most important in practical terms and one of the most difficult in theory. This problem is particularly relevant in the struggle, which is characterized by complex interactions of physical and mental factors, high emotional tension of activity. There are many talented athletes who will spend their lives wondering why they are not able to achieve the high level of sport that they aspire to. This often happens simply because they do not have the qualities characteristic of high performance athletes. Conclusions. Thus, the experience gained by the traditions of world combat in the field of psychological training is the richest reserve for increasing the level of sporting achievements, including judo. There is a steady interest in the study of psychological skills. Especially popular are methods that lead to positive emotional reactions, which allow to determine a whole range of psychological skills.

Author Biographies

Konstantin Ananchenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Anton Chuev, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

graduate student of martial arts department

Georgy Zantaraya, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

graduate student of martial arts department


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