Analysis and comparison of temporal indicators in various types of throw deflection in Greco-Roman wrestling
wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling, throw deflection, testing, computer program, temporal characteristics, technology analysis, sportsAbstract
This article reflects the results of a comparative analysis of temporal indicators in various variants of a throw in deflection in Greco-Roman wrestling. Deflection throws are the largest group of techniques that have 37 options for gripping the front, side and rear with various ways to rival an opponent from the carpet and turn the chest towards the carpet. Deflection throws require powerful grip, speed and high coordination, perseverance and determination. Purpose: analysis and comparison of temporal indicators in various variants of deflection throws. Material and methods: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical testing; video computer analysis. The study used a special computer program «Bio Calculations». The study involved 10 highly skilled wrestlers aged 18 - 24 years. Of these, 4 Masters of Sports of Ukraine, 1 - Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine, 5 candidates for the master of sports. Results. The results for the analysis of the technique were selected three options for throwing a deflection: a throw with the capture of the torso, a throw with the capture of the arm and the torso, and also a throw with zashaguvannyam, as the most common in competitive practice. Conclusions. The study identified the temporal characteristics of the three variants of deflection, which allow identifying deficiencies in the technical training of athletes based on the analysis; time characteristics are determined in three variants of deflection; Based on the analysis of temporal characteristics, deficiencies in the technical training of wrestlers are identified. In the course of pedagogical testing, it was revealed that the use of the «Bio Calculations» computer program makes it possible to identify shortcomings in the training of athletes.
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