Improvement of quality of the organization and carrying out training process at martial artists beginners due to use of the specialized computer program for mobile devices
trainer, control, account, training occupation, assessment, schedule, computer program, martial artsAbstract
Purpose: to develop the computer program for trainers which will allow to increase quality of the organization and carrying out training process at martial artists beginners. Materials and methods. On the basis of studying of scientific and methodical information and communication with trainers on martial arts it was revealed that there is a need for different computer technologies for use in professional activity. Together with specialized computer programs which carry out monitoring of size of training loads, determine parameters of the technology of the executed receptions, exercise control of level the sensory-motor reactions, professional activity of the trainer, also demands computer programs which quickly solve problems of control and accounting of training process, especially at martial artists beginners. The main questions which require attention which decision is possible thanks to the computer program are defined: control of visits and progress of the beginning athletes; need of saving contact data, both athletes, and their parents; need of preservation of various text notes; communication with parents of athletes beginners; improvement of quality of training occupations for the purpose of formation of positive motivation at the beginning athletes. In a research the following methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, poll of the leading trainers on single combats, method of computer programming. Results: the specialized computer program for mobile devices which allows to optimize professional activity of the trainer on martial arts in the following directions is developed and approved: control and account, assessment of quality of studying of a training material, formation of the report for the chosen period, increase in motivation to occupations single combats, communication with athletes and their parents. Conclusions: On the basis of the analysis of special literature the relevance of implementation of computer technologies in professional activity of the trainer which allow to resolve quickly and qualitatively various issues of training process is confirmed. The computer program "Logbook of the Coach" which allows to optimize professional activity of the trainer on single combats is developed and approved.
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