Differences in manifestation of sensory-motor reactions and specific perceptions at the men and women doing martial arts



martial arts, men, women, indicators, sensory-motor reactions, specific perceptions


Purpose: to establish features of manifestation of sensory-motor reactions and specific perceptions at the men and women doing martial arts. Material and methods: analysis of scientific-methodical information, generalization of the best practical experience, psycho-physiological methods of the research, methods of mathematical statistics. 46 sportsmen, who are engaged in different types of combat sports, participated in the research. Participants were divided into two groups: 1 – 27 men, median age (19,41±1,75) years; 2 – 19 women, median age (19,69±1,90) years, reliable differences on age, (p>0,05). Sportsmen had qualification Candidate Master of Sports and Master of Sports. Results: assessment of simple, difficult sensory-motor reactions and specific perceptions of martial artists is executed. The most significant qualities for success of men and women in martial arts allowed distinguishing the analysis of results of the held psycho-physiological testing. In the course of the research it was defined that the best indicators of simple sensory-motor reactions are observed at female martial artists (from 1 % till 2 %), and at male martial artists results in difficult sensory-motor reactions (from 2 % till 11 %) and specific perceptions are higher (from 1 % till 19 %). It is defined that pedagogical features of the organization of educational-training process of martial artists of various sexes is rational planning of loads and volume of trainings, structures of the competitive period, account and use of means of recovery of the lost working capacity. Conclusions: it is established that abilities to analyze, estimate and predict situations quickly and in due time to make the correct decisions during a single combat, that is explained unreliable distinctions (p>0,05) in psycho-physiological indicators of the studied sportsmen are formed at men and women who are engaged in different types of martial arts.

Author Biographies

David Curby, International Network of Wrestling Researchers

EdD, director

Yura Tropin, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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