Perfection of technical and tactical skill in hand-to-hand combat
hand-to-hand combat, competitive activity, complexes, surveys, combinations, technical and tactical actionsAbstract
Purpose: to develop complexes for improving the technical and tactical skill of the soldiers. Material and methods. In order to optimize the technical and tactical training of fighters, a theoretical analysis and synthesis of literary sources was conducted; a questionnaire was conducted (in which 75 specialists took part); analysis of video recordings of competitive activities of skilled soldiers; pedagogical observations. Results: based on a questionnaire survey of trainers-teachers and athletes (n=75), the analysis of the competitive activity of fighters in combat was developed technical and tactical training complexes of fighters. The proposed complexes were designed taking into account the individual characteristics of athletes: weight categories (heavy, medium, and light) morphological features (for low-growth fighters with short limbs, for middle-aged fighters, for high-strength fighters with relatively long limbs). Conclusions. A questionnaire among the fighters, in order to identify their views on the application of the proposed complexes in combat practice, made it possible to find out that 80 % of respondents choose a technical and tactical complex 1 (such a dynamic situation in hand-to-hand combat is quite common, as there is a starting chain of attacking actions «attacking begins with handshakes»); 78 % - technical and tactical complex 4 (respondents prefer technical and tactical complex 4, as the basic technical actions in hand-to-hand combat are carried out by capturing legs with hands) 72 % - technical and tactical complex 2 (this dynamic situation is often encountered in a hand-to-hand combat «attacker begins with kicking»); 56 % - technical and tactical complex 3 (this position in hand-to-hand combat is typical for joint capture at the end of the fight, when the fighters are tired enough, with the grip of the body). The results of the conducted research allowed to develop practical recommendations for improving the technical and tactical actions of the soldiers.
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