The personality of a coach in martial arts: the current state
role, coaching activity, martial arts, modernity, influence, managementAbstract
Purpose: to determine the most relevant areas of research on the coach's personality based on the analysis of literary sources. Material and methods. The work used the method of analysis of scientific and methodical literature. Literature was searched using the Google Scholar search engine ( in two languages: English and Ukrainian. At the first stage, all relevant works were found that satisfied the search request for words and their combinations: «coach», «martial arts». Results: in general, the analysis indicates the importance of the professional and personal qualities of the coach in the formation of effective interaction with athletes, which contributes to the development of their motivation and readiness for high achievements. The structure of the trainer's personality, which contains ideological and moral, professional and psychological substructures, determines his pedagogical orientation and effectiveness in the educational process. The role of the coach in patriotic education, especially in the context of modern socio-political realities of Ukraine, emphasizes the relevance of such an approach in sports education. These aspects support the idea of the importance of a deep understanding of various aspects of coaching and the need to integrate professional and personal qualities to achieve high results in the sports field. The analysis of foreign studies emphasizes that considerable attention is paid to personal traits of coaches, and professional qualities occupy a secondary place. The results of such studies indicate the importance of psychological confidence, leadership skills and motivational abilities of the coach, which influence the perception and self-evaluation of athletes regarding coaching behavior. It was found that the effectiveness of the training process and the self-efficacy of the athletes depend significantly on the perception of the coaching activity, where autocratic behavior can negatively affect the overall effectiveness. These studies indicate the need for a deeper understanding of the relationships between the personal qualities of the coach and their influence on the effectiveness of training and the motivation of athletes, emphasizing the importance of psychological support and pedagogical competence in sports practice. Conclusions. In general, the analysis of modern research points to various relevant topics regarding the role of the coach in martial arts.References
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