The influence of boxing on the psycho-emotional state of adolescents under martial law




martial law, adolescents, psycho-emotional state, boxing, questionnaire


Purpose: to determine the impact of boxing on the psycho-emotional state of adolescents under martial law. Material and Methods. analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature; questionnaire to identify the motivation of adolescents to boxing and their psycho-emotional state, social and psychological adaptability during the war; methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 16 young men with no training experience, the average age was 15,8±0,7 years. The participants of the study were engaged in boxing for a year in sports clubs. Classes were held 5 times a week for 120 minutes. Results: it was found that the main motivations for boxing are socio-moral and socio-emotional satisfaction from practicing this sport. The conducted surveys and questionnaires on the psycho-emotional state and socio-psychological adaptability of adolescents during martial law made it possible to state the fact that young men already have psychological changes. It was found that under the influence of boxing training, the level of anxiety in adolescents decreased, and it was also found that psychoemotional indicators improved. Thus, at the end of the training year only 1 adolescent from the section remained with a very high level of anxiety, which amounted to 6,25 %, the number of adolescents with clearly increased anxiety decreased to 3 people (18,75 %). The number of adolescents who began to have a normal level of anxiety at the end of the study increased significantly. It has been established that under the influence of boxing training there were more positive changes in the formation of mental qualities such as «self-perception» (t=2,31; p<0,05), «internal» (t=2,31; p<0,05) and «external locus of control» (t=2,18; p<0,05), «emotional comfort» (t=2,40; p<0,05) and «discomfort» (t=2,33; p<0,05) and «escape from problem solving» (t=2,42; p<0,05). These results indicate that boxing training sessions had a positive impact on the level of psycho-emotional state of adolescents. Conclusions. It has been established that boxing training has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of adolescents, which in turn gives grounds to assert that physical activity is really important for the mental health of adolescents who are most sensitive to the effects of martial law.

Author Biographies

K. Mulyk, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

А. Skaliy, Institute of Sport and Physical Culture of the University of Economics in Bydgoszcz

Phd (Physical  Education  and  Sport), Associate  Professor

О. Anosova, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD in Economics


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