Peculiarities of competitive activity at the 2023 continental championships in Greco-Roman wrestling




Greco-Roman wrestling, competitive activity, continental championships, indicators, technical and tactical actions, elite athletes


Purpose: to determine the features of competitive activity at the 2023 continental championships in Greco-Roman wrestling. Material and methods. The analysis of scientific and methodical literature, the analysis of protocols and video recordings of competitive activities was used to solve the research tasks; expert assessment; methods of mathematical statistics. 105 matches at the 2023 continental championships were analyzed: Asian Championship (n=30 matches), European Championship (n=30 matches), Pan American Championship (n=24 matches), African Championship (n=21 matches). A total of 210 wrestlers (winners and losers), participants in the final fights (fighting for first and third places) took part in the study. In competitive activity, the following indicators were evaluated: the duration of fights (time of the fight); all technical and tactical actions carried out by wrestlers in fights (number of times); the number of non-standard situations in the rack and parterre (passives, violations of the rules, challenges); effectiveness of the applied technique in the rack and parterre (assessed in points: 1 point, 2 points, 4 points, 5 points). Results: the analysis of the fights made it possible to establish that at most continental championships, athletes performed more technical and tactical actions (TTD) in the rack than in the floor: European Championship (rack – 57,7 %; floor – 42,3 %); Asian Championship (stand – 59,8 %; floor – 40,2 %); African Championship (stand – 52,5%; floor – 47,5 %). At the Pan American Championship, athletes spent more TTD in the floor than in the rack (rack – 31,8 %; floor – 68,2 %). The highest average number of non-standard situations per scrimmage is observed at the European Championship (1,83 non-standard situation per scrimmage), then at the Asian Championship (1.80 non-standard situation per scrimmage), then at the Pan American Championship (0,92 non-standard situation per scrimmage) and African Championship (0,76 non-standard situation per scrum). The highest average performance in a scrimmage is observed at the Asian Championship (7,40 points per scrimmage), then at the European Championship (6,83 points), then at the African Championship (4,76 points) and at the Pan American Championship (4,50 points). Conclusions. An analysis of competitive activity at the 2023 continental championships in Greco-Roman wrestling was conducted. The results of the study indicate the peculiarities of each championship: a different ratio of technical and tactical actions in the racks and parterre; the difference in the average number of non-standard situations and performance in fights. The obtained results will make it possible to provide recommendations on changing the rules of competitions and increasing the spectacle of Greco-Roman wrestling.

Author Biography

Y. Pylypenko, Communal Institution «Dnipropetrovsk Professional College of Sports» of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council

Greco-Roman wrestling sports teacher


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