The latest capabilities of assessing simple visual-motor reaction using modern mobile technologies




simple reaction, mobile application, measurement, martial arts, mobile devices


Purpose: to investigate the novel possibilities of assessing simple visual-motor reaction using modern mobile technologies. Material and methods. Research methods included analysis and synthesis of scientific-methodical literature, psychophysiological measurements, and mathematical statistical methods utilizing licensed programs RStudio and Numbers. The study was conducted in several stages. In the first stage, 135 students from Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture and Kharkiv State Academy of Arts of various specializations, aged 18-23 years, participated: martial arts (n=45); sports games (n=28); sports and artistic gymnastics (n=22); dance, choreography (n=40). The second stage presented the results of measurements from over 200 respondents, of different ages and genders, users of the «Reaction Visual & Acoustical» application on the iOS platform who provided their results in the «Game Center». Results:According to the first stage findings, information regarding the characteristics of the manifestation of simple visual-motor reaction in students of various specializations was obtained. It was noted that the level of sports qualification of athletes influences the reaction manifestation level. The least changes outside the upper and lower quartiles were observed in the martial arts group, where more students had higher sports qualifications. The most significant changes outside the upper and lower quartiles were observed in the sports games group, indicating the presence of athletes of different qualification levels in this group. According to the second stage results, a comparative analysis determined that there were no statistically significant differences (p>0,05) between the measurement indicators of «Game Center» users and the indicators of students of various specializations. Comparing the measurement results in the study groups, it was found that the reaction time of martial artists was statistically lower (p<0,05) than the reaction time of representatives of other specializations and «Game Center» users. Conclusions. Modern computer technologies allow for increased accuracy and speed of obtaining results of various measurements, saving time on result processing, making operational conclusions, and making relevant decisions. The results obtained during the study indicate that the level of sports qualification of athletes influences the reaction manifestation level. Thus, it was determined that martial artists with higher sports qualifications, who passed the appropriate selection stages, have more developed psychophysiological capabilities for the manifestation of various types of reactions. According to the comparative analysis results, it can be argued that there are no statistically significant differences (p>0,05) between the measurement indicators of «Game Center» users and the indicators of students of various specializations.

Author Biographies

V. Romanenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

N. Tsyhanovska, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

Head at the Department of Physical Culture and Health


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